Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 12

in Freewriters15 days ago (edited)

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𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 12

Dear Reader, you are in a hurry most of the time, right?

You have an agenda filled with appointments and a head filled with plans, don't you?

How enjoyable is that life if you are really honest?

How much of that valuable asset called time are you giving away to people and causes that are not respectful or even aware of its true value?

Time is of the essence, it's the one thing you can not get back. You can run out of it at any time, so spend it wisely.

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"I'm hungry," she looks straight into my eyes. And I see something I thought I glimpsed before.

It's not recognition, but what is it?

I can't put my finger on it and my empty stomach doesn't have the peace to think about it for long.

"I thought you'd never stop," I laugh as I take the saddlebags off the horse, put down a blanket, and put out some of the food I had brought with me.

"Yes, I talk, but sometimes it's better to keep quiet and listen. You might want to try that, and oh, my name isn't Stella in case you didn't know. My name is Sei."

Before I have even processed the information, Sei started eating. She seems starved,

I try to ask her how she got here and knew I was the rider behind her. But I don't get an answer, and when I return from a much-needed pee after dinner, I know I won't receive the answer tonight, Sei is sleeping, with her bowl still on her lap.

Once again I follow her example, but Morpheus doesn't find me that easy tonight. This young lady raises too many questions, so sleep seems to be the last thing on my running mind.

I hate my own curiosity at times like these. Times that even though I know I won't find answers, I still struggle with questions. Until I finally fall asleep, tired from the unequal battle.

A short sleep it is. I have grown soft, I am no longer used to sleeping on the hard ground, everything feels stiff.
Those damned city customs, the advantage is that I am out of bed before the young lady wakes up and she can't get away unnoticed if she wanted to.

It seems that she did not intend to do so because when I have cleaned everything up and my horse is already saddled, I can still hear her calm breath, although there is some movement in her little body.

I spent the whole night trying to determine how old she actually is; her height, slight build, and silence had previously made me think she had seen a maximum of eleven summers. But her words yesterday were not those of a child.

I don´t know how she did it, but she went from sleeping to ready to go in a matter of minutes.

"Should I help you?" I ask, nodding towards the horse. For a moment I think I see fear in the young eyes. Sei quickly regains her composure and shakes her head.
"No,I'd rather walk."

Only then did I realize that I had no idea where she was going. Something in me had assumed she would go my way, but yesterday had left no room to determine that. But walking?

Well, I had walked it before, simply because I had never known the luxury of a horse. Actually, I had not known a horse, we only had Yaks. But walking next to my horse felt a bit strange. And even though I did it before, it was still a long way by foot.

"Where are you going anyway, Sei?" I ask, half hoping that I won't have to walk next to this horse for days because her disgust had been obvious, no chance of her climbing on that animal.

Sei starts walking and when we get back she speaks once again: "I'll come along."

After those words, she is silent until the sun is high and we take a break.
"Martio, thank you for the silence. Let me answer some of your questions. I am thirteen summers, and I have to come with you. Don't ask me to explain it because I don't understand it myself yet. But my place is your village, I know.”

Then her eyes look at the dusty ground. "I'm not afraid of your horse if that's what you thought. But you're a man and I don't want to feel you against me. By the way, that's not you, but you´re a man."

She´s got my head spinning again. Not sure how she does that, but she knows how to move too much information in very few words. And I realized that I probably be walking next to my horse until I was back home.

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Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

The Closure A Personal Story With A Soundtrack:
Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 1
Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 2

The Closure - Greatest Hits For A Never-Ending Story:
Greatest Hits From My Book "Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen"

The Closure - Alice in ArtWorkLand:
ALICE In AI ArtWorkLand - A Crazy Man´s Revelations

[Source Pic](All pics by MYI & AI unless watermarked or mentioned)