[En-Es] Some mushrooms from the Monument Field

in Fungi Lovers21 days ago


Hello friends.
I entered the monument park to explore it and look for mangoes. I found many other things, some new to me.

Hola amigos.
Entré al parque monumento para recorrerlo y buscar mangos. Encontré muchas otras cosas, algunas nuevas para mi.

A few kilometers from my house there is a monument park made in tribute to the heroes who fought in the battle that gave us independence on June 24, the Battle of Carabobo.

A pocos kilómetros de mi casa existe un parque monumento hecho en homenaje a los héroes que pelearon en la batalla que nos dió la independencia un 24 de junio, la Batalla de Carabobo.


It is a very beautiful place, surrounded by a lot of nature and where mango trees abound.
Since I work near there, having the day off, I took the opportunity to go in.

Es un lugar muy bello, rodeado de mucha naturaleza y donde abundan los árboles de mango.
Como trabajo cerca de allí, al tener el dia libre, aproveché para entrar.


I really enjoyed the walk. I saw large trees with flowers, a lagoon, animals, many unripe mangoes and, of course, statues.

Disfruté mucho la caminata. Vi árboles grandes con flores, una laguna, animales, muchos mangos aún sin madurar y, por supuesto, estatuas.






Among the things that made me most happy was finding these small yellow mushrooms in the grass. Perhaps they are Psilocybe cubensis, a cosmopolitan mushroom whose fruiting bodies are usually seen starting in May, due to the beginning of the rains and the presence of manure.

Entre las cosas que más me alegraron estuvo encontrar en el césped estas pequeñas setas amarillas. Tal vez se traten de Psilocybe cubensis, hongo cosmopolita cuyos cuerpos fructiferos suelen verse justamente a partir de mayo, por el comienzo de las lluvias y la presencia de estiércol.

By the way, in this photo there is a mango seed near them.

Por cierto, en esta foto hay una semilla de mango cerca de ellas.

All photos were taken by me with my Xiaomi Redmi 9 A smartphone.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mi con mi teléfono inteligente Redmi 9 A de Xiaomi.


Thank you very much for stopping and reading my post.

Muchas gracias por detenerse y leer mi publicación.

Muchas gracias.jpg
Imagen hecha con Canva y Paint.
Translated with / Traducido con: Google translator.
Reference / Referencia:


That is some impressive tree 😍

There is pretty much room around, and the sunlight - why not take all the advantages? so the tree occupies as much area as it can! I wish it was an apple or mango tree, lol.

Yes, and the food crisis problem would be solved 🙂

... but only across this certain little area, lol 😂

Yes, it is huge and I would have liked to get closer.
I didn't have time.