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RE: What's Next for Project Blank? | Mobile View, Show Parent Thread, GIFs and Image Stacking

in LeoFinancelast year

It'll be fun to add some predictability to our release schedule as well.

This is incredibly important and something people will like! Having a set schedule is a huge step for reliability and perception, love to hear it!

The mobile update is going to be huge, I already use mobile on bed (and the toilet lol) so this update is very much welcomed.

So glad to hear about the parent Thread, sometimes I feel like I'm jumping into a halfway convo and I have no way of knowing whatsup, this will increase engagement by a lot.

Can't wait to reply with GIFs, I already have my reaction folder ready to be unleashed lol

Overall this is a great post, love to see how much is in store for this week!

WenMoon? SoonMoon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I already use mobile on bed (and the toilet lol)

Too much information! 😜🤙🏽

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta