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RE: The Vision of INLEO

in LeoFinance8 months ago (edited)

That being said, a nimble team can build an incredible product. Look to any successful startup in the past 20 years as an example. You start small, build a great product and continue to build, innovate and iterate based on feedback.

Inleo’s team though small has been able to achieve so many things, in Inleo, innovations never end and I am totally proud of how far the team has gone but there is a bit of a loophole in all of these.

While we celebrate the rebranding of the interface and other innovations we shouldn’t rule out the fact that the frontend isn’t completely mobile friendly, half the people that give good reviews on the frontend are people that are probably using their PCs or good phones to access the frontend while those using lower phones are stuck countless times and most of them have decided to abandon the frontend because of this. My point is, as we celebrate our milestones we shouldn’t forget that every customer matters and their pleas for a good working frontend should be met.

The more mobile friendly the frontend becomes the more effortlessly people would be able to navigate it and bringing more people would be easier.

In a nutshell all these bugs that we have been complaining about should be throughly fixed.

To everyone working their ass out to make this a reality, kudos!