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RE: The Vision of INLEO

in LeoFinance8 months ago

It's a monthly subscription. It's not necessary and will allow access to certain extra features that separate you from the crowd and allows you to deepen the experience/show up more in various feeds like our new For You algorithm.

One thing I am excited to see - and we will be tracking/sharing this on-chain data - is if users who pay the $10 per month (and the payment method is only HBD. So it's 10 HBD per month) actually earn more than $10 per month in extra rewards from getting more upvotes

I believe this will be the case and we will put up some data on what Orange Checkmark authors are earning before they got the checkmark and after the checkmark. I have a feeling the 10 HBD per month will look a lot more like an investment in earning more on-chain from HIVE + LEO rewards than paying a subscription.

We'll release plenty of details when this feature goes live but it is paid in HBD. Then the HBD is split in half to buy $5 worth of HIVE and $5 worth of LEO. Then it pools the HIVE-LEO in a liquidity pool and burns the LP Tokens. This creates monthly buy pressure on both HIVE & LEO and permanent liquidity for both in this liquidity pool since it can never be removed. I am really excited to see how this plays out since nobody has ever done something like this AFAIK


Just like LTD system in saas you can offer early adopter price. It may be low but when people see the checkmark they may tempt to get it here. It's like early adopters doing the pressure of sale.

What is LTD system in SAAS?

Life time deal. like deal.

I remember this idea which you wrote about in your black hole liquidity pool, which would earn cub, burn cub and tie up assets for ever also. It seemed like a good idea then, and I think it still is a good token sink method and a way of building value.

I think this black hole liquidity pool will become more powerful over time. Like ROme this will not be built in a day. And hopefully like ROme, it will one day be known around the world.