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RE: The Vision of INLEO

in LeoFinance8 months ago

Wow, this is really extensive and definitely a 10 minutes read as the front end suggests.

What really caught my eye is having an indistinguishable product on the surface to web2. Though using the InLeo UI is not hard to grasp, I have had friends complain of it looking a bit complex at first glance. Most of us are used to our web2 apps and sites and just like cited where tiktok users were naturally groomed to use tiktok, I believe if the UI looked more like web2 on the outside or natural as you put it, it will be easier to get the new users while maintaining the core values of web3 of course. New users need to feel like they are casually using their regular favorite apps but as well seeing the notable differences with InLeo like having more freedom and earning crypto.

I'm excited for the NFT profile pictures. Congrats on the rebrand and a big kudos to the entire leo team. You are amazing.