My Experience with some Accidents in my Life

Greetings friends of Hive and Weekendexperiences, today I am going to participate in the initiative proposed by galenkp, in which it presents several themes to choose one that catches our attention and express our experience and also learn about that of other Hiver.


As a child and as an adult, I remember that I had several accidents and that is why I chose the one that refers to the way in which I hurt myself stupidly, some of which were accidental and others due to poor handling at my workplace.


It should be noted that in my childhood it is not like today when children have mobile phones and other technologies and do not do any physical activity as it was in my time, I remember that I went out with my brothers to play a game of free thief, where I had We had to run a lot, we also played metras, sack races, in short it was very fun, where we enjoyed it a lot.


On one occasion we discovered a rope that was from a tree, which we used to cross a narrow passage of a river, as there was no bridge, then my brothers and some friends began to pass throwing for this rope, when it was my turn, I managed to pass to the other side, but by bad luck I tripped my left knee with the earth and I got a tremendous wound, which required going to the doctor, when I returned home my mother took me to the doctor to check the wound and I had to suture it with several stitches because it was deep.


Another experience in which I got hurt, as an adult, I worked in a company that manufactures children's products, I had to cut a deodorant container and I put it over my hand to cut them in the middle with a knife, I cut the container but the knife went too far and I cut part of my wrist, then I started to bleed a lot, and I was taken to the hospital, where I was cooked with five stitches.

These were my experiences, one in my childhood and the other in the company where I worked, I hope you liked it, see you in the next publicatio

Fotografías: Teléfono Redmi Note 10
Portada realizada en APP GridArt
Logos utilizados de Hive
Traductor utilizado: Traductor de Google

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Used logos of Hive
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate

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