Me and my bike, again.

in Cycling25 days ago

New bike, different me, the same country as many times before.

I managed around two weeks on my old rusty city bike. The bike I used since always in this town, mainly to ride to school with or drunk through town at 3 in the morning. I always loved my bike, but never managed to look after it. No breaks, no light, and again I forgot to oil the chain.
One more time I got a flat tire, and that was it. I can’t do the “student-city-bike-broke-I-don’t-care” cycling anymore.

Whatever the gear or tool is, it should work, should be worth looking after, otherwise how can you expect it to bring you any further than around the next corner.
Meanwhile the next corner can sound very exciting, all it unveils is usually another next corner. And if cycling to Istanbul made me realize I need a proper bike with functioning breaks, it also made me realize that this country has to offer some equally exciting landscapes that wish to be cycled through.

Green forests, massive Alps and snowy peaks, clear water, cycling lanes, wide streets, no wild dogs, no rubbish or very little, and a thousand corners you can’t reach by car. Amazing, it was there all along, who wasn’t there was myself. Now I am and now I realize I have it all right there in front of my doorstep.

Intuition, vision and the right timing seemed to have matched, when I got my new bike and a few weeks later some bags. All secondhand but brand new, another part I love about how people here generally take good care of things.

At 5.30am I start cycling up and to the other side of a little mountain. Wonderfull green, growing plants all around, cows and a little stream, I follow upwards. On a, still, quiet cycling lane all the way to a little lake.

Nestled in between a few hills, from a few angles I can see the Alps in the background. By myself on a wooden deck, a few fishermen are around on their little boats. The early sun shines on my face and I notice, that Peanut-butter Sandwiches and coffee taste as good here, as they did in the middle of Turkey.

A swim and some thoughts later I leave. A lot of cyclists on the lane now. All of their equipment could have probably also bought them a car. An overengineered cycling lane for over equipped cyclists. But I don’t mind that anymore, in fact I have come to appreciate it.

Sometimes it is nice to suffer in the middle of nowhere on dangerous roads, wild dogs and epic views, and other times it is equally amazing to cycle on a save cycling lane with serious cyclists, a perfectly functioning bike and beautiful nature around.

With plenty of new ideas in my head I finish that first little trip, knowing that now, technically, Istanbul, or any other place I wish to be, can be at the end of this road again, the one that starts at my doorstep.

Thanks to every one passing by, enjoy your week and if you do your cycling on marvellous lanes or dangerous roads!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.


Beautiful, dearest friend 💚 Mmmmm.... you remind me both of driving up through the Alps (between Italy and Scotland) and cycling along Edinburgh cycle tracks next to the canal: the latter being a heavenly flat path flanked by hedgerows, edible plants and occasional barges... such a glorious organised adventure, to know our own region intimately 🙏🤲🤗 Happy cycling - you make me want to buy a bike, but then I'd need to find a safe road (and there are not m/any around these parts! 🫣

...I am still anticipating the edible plants🍒 And I can only imagine how wonderful Scotland is to explore by bike!!
For sure I guess you are saver (if even) in your car, mind you some of these back roads up the mountain, seem very tempting too😁 Much love to you and your adventures🌸🥂

That's really a good read! Nice share lets get to take good care of the little things we cherish have a good day.

Thank you very much, nice to hear your appreciation!

Good to see you are back on the bicycle again. It's fun to discover nice spots in your own country. I'm often surprised about the nice spots I still discover while making larger cycling trips in the area.

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Thank you💙
Isn't it?! I guess that is one thing I do really appreciate about cycling, it's so slow (compared to any other vehicles) and you fit through almost anywhere, so you really get to see every part of a country... and not just the parts accessible by car or so...😊

Beautiful post ❤️
I’ve never been a cyclist, I’m more of a walker actually ^^ I actually should do that more and get over my fear of being in a foreign country and all that.

Thank you!!💜
Yes, the fear is there too, even though I don't talk about it here (maybe in another post) ...exploring any country can bring a lot of freedom, or thats what I am about to discover:)
and I love walking too, just never went for long trips walking, do you? must be very calm and freeing as well!

A nice reflection. And the most interesting thing is that it fits many things in our lives.
The bike and those landscapes and your enjoyment are a perfect combination.

Greetings from Havana.

Thank you very much for that lovely response!!
Ah I love that you mention that, I do often pause and notice how any of these tiny lessons of life are transferable onto the bigger picture. Maybe thats why I am so much into cycling😁

It's just that while we are cycling we sometimes think... a lot. Ha... a pleasure!

Hoping that with this new bike, you will learn to oil the chain and keep it safe. I am excited when i saw new bike, new me, i love the fact that you love your bike so much☺️☺️

you have my word, this time I will take care of this bike😂
Thanks for stopping by!

You’re welcome ☺️☺️

Congrats on the new pony!!!

Thank you, she's a good one. Our relationship is still fresh but already very strong😁

What a beautiful route, the landscape looks incredible, it is a blessing to be able to enjoy a place like this while riding your bike.

Indeed these are some beautiful landscapes, and yes I enjoy them a lot:) Thanks for passing by.

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