I couldn't miss this fun 50% benefiting "ShadowHuntersCommunity"

in Shadow Hunters22 days ago
Genial volver a estar con mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  para compartir con todos un clásico de los días sábado por la tarde, si, mi elección de fotografías de sombras y reflejos. Muy agradecido @melinda010100 y todo su equipo de personas que hacen que esta sea una de los mejores lugares para hacer comunidad

fotografía ¨original¨:  de @jaci11

Great to be back with my friends from this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  to share with everyone a Saturday afternoon classic, yes, my choice of photographs of shadows and reflections. Very grateful @melinda010100 and her entire team of people who make this one of the best places to build a community

A medida que pasan las semanas disfruto mucho más hacer esta selección de imágenes, es notorio el gran crecimiento de la comunidad, y del nivel de las fotografías y los posts que presentan. Disfrute mucho visitar y hacer esta hermosa selección para enseñarles a todos

As the weeks go by I enjoy making this selection of images much more, the great growth of the community, and the level of the photographs and posts they present, is noticeable. I really enjoyed visiting and making this beautiful selection to show everyone

¨SMAShContest -Round320¨: 

Autor @jaci11

¨Huntingfor streetart inKristiansand¨: 

Autor @digi-me

¨I'm onthe wall, summermemory¨: 

Autor @littlesorceress

¨ReversedViews By theSeaside¨: 

Autor @pinkchic

¨Reflections Hunting#166¨: 

Autor @seckorama

¨Caughtin theRanger¨: 

Autor @ifarmgirl

Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Thanks for the mention, much appreciated! And congrats to all presented.👏😃

How are you dear friend @digi-me good morning
It has been a pleasure to share your photograph of the work and the beautiful shadow
Have a wonderful Sunday

Thanks, you too :))

I loved this selection of shadows and reflections, congratulations to all

This has been another wonderful week for shadows and highlights, I'm glad you liked my choice


jlufer, golden.future sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Thank you so much

What beautiful selections dear friend. They are all amazing 🥲. Congratulations to the winners.

Greetings and happy new week ❤️