Finding a new voice 新しい声を探している

I wrote this blog in Japanese but there is an English translation below:


でもやってから応援してくれた人何人いてすごい嬉しいです。優しいことばっかり言ってくれてメッセージがいっぱい来ました。日本人の友達も世界中の友達も見てくれました。ちょっとびっくりした! 片言な日本語なのに最後まで見てくれるのは結構感動した。



日本に住むの一番慣れないところ The hardest thing to get used to in Japan







こういう話は英語でも難しい!通じるかどうかわからないし、へんなことを言ったかわからないけど、読んでくれてありがとうございます! とりあえずビデオの内容はこんな難しくないようにしますけど面白くするように頑張ります!

Here’s the translation into English:

“I’ve finally started making a Japanese VLOG. I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while, but I was either scared or busy, among other reasons for not doing it.

But I’m really happy to see how many people have supported me since I started. I received a lot of messages with nothing but kind words. Both my Japanese friends and friends from around the world watched it. I was a bit surprised! I was quite moved that people watched it to the end despite my broken Japanese.

It’s really right to speak Japanese. Since I live in Japan, it’s not good to only use English and create content.

My first Japanese VLOG:

The hardest thing to get used to in Japan

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to carve out my own place in the world while being true to myself. I feel like I haven’t been giving it 100% until now. It’s not so much about hiding my true self, but that I couldn’t trust the world. I always thought that showing my true self would lead to serious consequences.

But as the world changes, I feel like the world I have always seen and my values are gradually being understood by more people. Instead of giving up on my dreams and becoming just another ordinary person, I’m trying to have the courage to believe in my dreams and become the person I want to be, no matter what.

At the same time, I want to connect more deeply with Japanese people and the Japanese language. Since I’ve come to the farthest country from where I was born and have worked hard to learn the language, I want to find a balance between East and West with the people here.

From the outside, these two goals might seem contradictory, but if I naturally keep doing what I want to do, I’m gradually realizing it’s not that contradictory.

Since I was young and even now, I’ve always had a rebellious streak. Even though I have a strong desire to rebel against rules, deep down I want peace. I don’t want to fight or hurt anyone. I want peace, so I don’t think there is a contradiction between a country that values harmony and my rebellious nature.

I’ll try to kindly explain both the enjoyable things and the difficult things. I’ll slowly try various things and find the right way for myself.

This topic is difficult even in English! I’m not sure if it will come across clearly in Japanese, and I don’t know if I’ve said anything strange, but thank you for reading! For now, the content of the videos won’t be this complicated, but I’ll do my best to make them interesting!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


夢に向かって頑張る姿、いいですねぇ~。応援いたしまーす。 🤩👏👏
!wine !ALIVE

あら!かっこいい敬語が出てきました?(笑) いつもありがとうございます!


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I never knew you could speak Japanese this much
That’s awesome!

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