
I felt a lot of me in this post. I have a tough time opening up to people; I am just trying to come out of my shell, but while I do that, I keep being reminded of why I went into my shell in the first place.

I succeed sometimes, but most times it is just for a little while. Then I return back to my default. But I have promised myself not to stop trying.

Hive was actually a huge step for me. I went back and forth between honesty and trying to write what I knew would get positive reception, and slowly brought the two together by finding different ways to express myself.

Don’t give up! You will find your voice!

Thank you! I really do appreciate it.

I have been thinking about writing a lot since I joined Hive two years ago. And in recent times, I am happy that I broke the jinx of not having anything to write.

Now I am super conscious of the things I do and find ways to express myself through writing. I kind of think writing is for me 😅

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @mysteriousroad suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

You're doing great facing your fears! It's hard, but it will help you be yourself and reach your dreams. Keep going! Don't be afraid to be open, and remember, bravery is the key!

Thank you!

You are welcome brother.

I think it is necessary for parents to understand the plight of their child. Every parents usually feel that they give their child the best life the child could ever imagine but to the child, it is not that way just like the way your father thinks you had a perfect childhood even when he knows what you went through but he can never understand it

They try their best but they aren’t always good at empathy, and the position of power doesn’t help

It is true that we are afraid of some things and we cannot do them in life but when one day we do those things then our life becomes easier and we start getting success.