The wedding came, more birthdays and an oversight on my part in my Sims 4 game.

in Gaming Photographylast month

Hello everyone! I'm happy to share again one more adventure of my main game of The Sims 4, which obviously I have to continue what was left pending in the last post and it is nothing more and nothing less than the wedding of Remi and Paula (which I had told you in the previous post that they had had a baby and I had not even noticed) which was very nice...

Family and friends joined in the celebration and Remi and Paula were very happy to finally get married, it was a stressful few days before the wedding...

I saw that there was an option to throw the bouquet (which I didn't know and had discovered a few moments ago) but, it couldn't be completed and I couldn't see it because it just wouldn't throw it! It must be bugged or something, because it spent several hours (of the game) like this, it frustrates me a bit to discover an interesting action of the game and that it is bugged.

Anyways, the wedding was still enjoyable, as I always try to make sure that all the sims have a good time at the parties I throw in the game, but I was a little disappointed that I never threw the bouquet.

The next day, or days later I can't remember, it was Ane's birthday, Remi's mother, who has already reached old age and now she will look like a grandmother lol.... They celebrated the birthday at Angie's restaurant.

The day after Ane's birthday, it was time to celebrate little Vanesa's (Remi and Paula's daughter) birthday, but her celebration was calmer, it was at home and only with her family, not too many people so as not to overwhelm her...

Look at her. Isn't she a pretty girl?

Remi takes the task of being a responsible father seriously and is always teaching Vanesa things...

And as in large families there are always people with birthdays (this is real, in my boyfriend's paternal family almost every month there is a birthday hahaha) is the turn of Luisa, who has already reached her old age and her early retirement surely...

A parenthesis to take a look at Natalia, who went back to her natural hair color leaving behind the blonde she wore throughout her adolescence, which if you were attentive to the posts, you can notice the change...

Ehh... How can I say this... Remember I told you that when Liam and his family went on vacation in the jungle, David came in contact with a poisonous plant and was intoxicated? Well... With all the wedding, birthdays, unexpected baby and all that, I completely forgot that I hadn't given him an antidote and.... Well, he's no longer on the earthly plane if you know what I mean.

It was a very sad night for the family, I don't know how I could forget it hahahaha, I know I shouldn't laugh in this situation, but I think it's very funny that it happened like this, I swear I forgot he was intoxicated lol

I don't know how Paula can talk so calmly with the grim reaper, especially when he had just taken her brother-in-law.... I hope you liked today's post, apparently it's going to be a rule that unexpected things happen in my game, but this time it was my fault. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in the next post ❤️

Translated by DeepL


It was strange that in a game with so many mods and DLCs there was no bug. Fortunately, it's not something that affects gameplay much.

By the way, my family is also one of those cases where someone has a birthday every month, and I think it's because there are many of us. In fact, there is a case where an aunt and a nephew share the same birthday.

it doesn't happen to me because my family isn't very big (not very close either, I don't even know half of my paternal cousins) so there weren't many birthdays....

The wedding part was amazing, I liked every detail in your screenshots, but I was a little sad about the death of one of your sims, it's crazy to take care of so many at the same time, that's the bad thing, one carelessness and one of them dies, it's a shame that the game doesn't have that independence for the sims to take care of themselves when you are busy with other sims.

Haha, that's something really wonderful and unique to share in a game. I really liked it.

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