Sunsets and Sunrises from theHunter: Call of the Wild!

in Gaming Photography17 days ago (edited)

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

There are many impressive locations in theHunter: Call of the Wild. The graphics in this game are well-polished, especially the natural landscapes, and the dynamic weather makes it even more interesting. A long day-night cycle with rain and thunderstorms is quite frequent, especially on some days.

There will be enough sunrises and sunsets you can experience from different locations at different reserves. Here I will be showing you some from a variety of DLC maps.

This one is the most recent one from a local hill at Vurhonga Savannah. Sunrises here are the most enchanting, they just lit the entire place with beautiful golden rays.

Vurhonga Savannah is a very dry place but sometimes it is rainy and you can see some clouds filling up the entire morning sky. The Sun is hiding behind the clouds but fails to peak out from that thick coat of clouds.

There is a big mysterious cave in the western region of Savannah and the morning sun from here looks amazing. I love that tree on the right...makes this cave entry even more mysterious.

A relatively clear morning in the plains of Layton Lake! There are a lot of Lakes on this map and you can find a good population of Moose and other Whitetail/Blacktail deer here. This is part of the base map that comes with the base game too so most of the hunters are familiar with this map!

Layton Lakes districts have some beautiful mountains as backdrops and I use them a lot of time to compose my picture. And if you have some well-lit clouds in the early morning, it will be a landscape photographer's paradise. All of these locations are based on real locations and reserves. I would love to visit this one!

Mornings in Emerald Coast, Australia is beautiful too. I don't play too much on this map as I still don't own this one but you can still play it with multiplayer. But the multiplayer sessions are not that reliable and sadly, connection issues are still a big problem. Anyways, the map is one of the most beautiful maps in the game.

Moving on a snow map, Medved-Tiaga is a good change from all the other maps. It is covered in snow and sunrises here are quite beautiful. This looks like a white paradise to me too. Even the trees and hunting structures have snow on this map.

I love the sun rays peeking through the leaves on this map.

One of the easiest hunting maps has to be Silver Ridge Peaks. But the peaks in this map are just stunning, I have shared them in my previous posts so I will not share them again. Even the mornings in the plains are beautiful here.

I love this shot as Sheru uses the road in Emerald Coast. The yellowish clouds indicate that the sun is close to the horizon. This was a beautiful evening!

Yukon Valley Reserve has some great landscapes as well. It occasionally snows in here too, which changes the whole landscape and makes it a new map. There are big water bodies on this map along with mountain ranges, some densely forested areas, lakes etc.

Sunrise from the hills in Cuatro Collinas! It would be more magical if there were more clouds close to the horizon.

Back to Vurhonga Savannah for this shot. The large plateau on the right side of the image is where that aforementioned mysterious cave is located.

And finally, it looks like a sunrise but this is not, not even a sunset. This is the Apart from its size, its colour is quite different to what you would expect the moon to be. But it rose just after sunset in the opposite direction.

Thanks for reading...

Until next hunt...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.


My favourite! Really enjoying the screenshot capture from this game. So realistic. Thank you for sharing this! !LUV

Glad you liked it!

I always look forward to your game blogs... You show so cool games bruv... I !LUV them and I'll definitely try to get it.... Can we get it on any PC?

Yes, it is available on PC. I play games mostly on PC only.

That's awesome P.. you have taste with good games👌

pravesh0, theringmaster sent you LUV. 🙂 (4/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

These are beautiful photographs of an excellent game. Scenery like that is why I enjoy hunting so much.

lol...turkeys shooting turkeys?

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What fantastic views brother, really the sun looks very amazing at sunrise, especially in some meadows where you can admire the beauty of nature, thanks for sharing.