Mi mejor noche en Buenos Aires 🌆

in Lifestyle24 days ago


Ya todos saben lo enamorada que quedé de Buenos Aires, pero hay razones y más razones que me hicieron enamorarme perdidamente de esa ciudad que visité en noviembre. Y aquí la historia principal:

Después de 10 días en Buenos Aires, se terminó Labitconf, pero posterior a estos eventos siempre hay reuniones y Meetups para afianzar alianzas y seguir haciendo networking. En esta ocasión en particular, fuimos a un lugar llamado Block House, que es un sitio muy cripto muy genial en el que puedes hacer muchas cosas, una de esta fue participar en un Meetup organizado por nuestros amigos de Push Protocol. Asistí con una amiga que había hecho la noche anterior, Karu y con Celexia. Luego de aprender de Push, comer pizza y tomarnos algo en el sitio, nos dimos cuenta de que apenas eran las 9 de la noche, era viernes, y queríamos más. Así que los porteños hicieron un plan y nosotros nos unimos a esta movida.

Éramos unas 10.personad, la mitad extranjeros, caminamos unas 20 cuadras mientras conversábamos, tomábamos fotos y me iban mostrando Buenos Aires de noche hasta que llegamos a un bar llamado Temple en dónde aceptaban Pinta Token, un token que básicamente sirve para comprar cervezas en sitios de la ciudad. ¿Cómo me iba a negar?

Everyone already knows how in love I was with Buenos Aires, but there are reasons and more reasons that made me fall madly in love with the city I visited in November. And here is the main story:

After 10 days in Buenos Aires, Labitconf is over, but after these events there are always meetings and Meetups to strengthen alliances and continue networking. On this particular occasion, we went to a place called Block House, which is a very cool crypto place where you can do many things, one of this was to participate in a Meetup organized by our friends from Push Protocol. I attended with a friend I had made the night before, Karu and with Celexia. After learning about Push, eating pizza and having a drink on site, we realized that it was only 9 pm, it was Friday, and we wanted more. So the porteños made a plan and we joined in.

We were about 10 people, half of us foreigners, we walked about 20 blocks while talking, taking pictures and showing me Buenos Aires at night until we got to a bar called Temple where they accepted Pinta Token, a token that basically serves to buy beers in places in the city. How could I refuse?

We toasted, poured our beers in a glass and the plan was to take a walk along the Paseo de Las Historietas in San Telmo as we went from bar to bar ordering beers. I ran into two friends drinking mate and joined them. We also took pictures of the group that was there, all sitting with Mafalda (I never saw that picture but I know it was epic). One of the friends I made there, a Venezuelan who lives in El Salvador, was carrying a bugle with electronic music all the way, so we were rather active. We ended up at Plaza Dorrego, having a snack, a drink and being happy.

The feeling of freedom I felt while walking at midnight through the streets of Buenos Aires was something that if you know the situation in Venezuela you will know that nobody has been doing that for many years, at least when I was young I didn't do it because I would get robbed. So it was an event that marked me, especially for the fact that we were not the only ones on the street, it is not that we were risky, it is that it is quite common. I know we shouldn't always be confident and I was watching out for everything, but I will never forget this night of beers and blurry photos ✨.

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  • Banners realizados en Canva Pro
  • Fotografías realizadas en mi POCO x3 PRO

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Jajaja imposible negarse a una cerveza. Que bellas fotografías Lore se ve que disfrutaron muchísimo 👏