Unnecessary baggage: Make them feathers.


I'm very bold and say what I feel. That doesn't mean I ruffle feathers. It means I'm being honest.

Unnecessary baggage! As humans, we tend to hold onto them like they are their lifeline. We've all been guilty of this, and some of us have learned while others are still trying to understand things better.

The truth is that we can't understand people. Sometimes, we make decisions in situations that if we were with a calm mind, we would argue with sane reasons why we would never take such a step. But life can be very tricky and hits us when we least expect it. Holding onto people/thoughts that don't matter to us is an unnecessary baggage that will continue to weigh us down as we move toward life's journey.

Just because we deprive ourselves from saying the truth or of being brutally honest with ourselves, we let these people/thoughts in, and they feed on us and get fatten from our sweat. This is why I do love children because they are not just innocent but are brutally honest. If you ask a million adults a question, there's a higher probability that they'll lie to your face with whatever reason they have come up with to hold onto that they needed you to hear this and that because they don't want to hurt you.

I did share a post a few weeks ago on being truthful and as the title states, truth hurts but give it and this is where children comes in. There's a very big and fat chance a child will say what they see the way they see it.

They are very bold, and it doesn't mean they ruffle feathers. They are just being honest and being honest leads to a more beautiful lifestyle. Be honest to yourself and let go of toxic people around you. Stop carrying unnecessary baggage that would weigh you down unapologetically. Be brave and stand fit to face life on your own. Be your inspirational guardian because the truth remains that no one can make you feel as light as a feather except you.

When you make a decision to let go and stick by it, you'll feel lighter. As long as you are honest with yourself and not moved by people's antics or social media pressure, you'll surely find yourself living a good life and no comparison. Everyone has their timing in life. Be honest, work, and do the best with yours.

This brings me to Saturday tunes with Carpenter Ann our musical guide with her three chosen songs, Feather, Why and Thumbs. But before we move forward to her musical hall, let's get to know her.

Carpenter? Wait, does she make furniture?

Well, that sounds nice, but I do believe she doesn't unless she's given a role to act as a carpenter in a movie because she's an actress, and that's it.

Sabrina Annlynn Carpenter is an American singer and actress. She has acted in a lot of movies and there's a very popular Nickelodeon series she's present in and you should know it if you're a Nickelodeon movie fan and if you don't, your children will surely know the name of the series which is no other than... Hehe, Sofia the first, though she's not the main character, she's also a princess in the play.

Hehe, alright. Moving forward, Sabrina Annlynn Carpenter was born in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, U.S. on the 11th of May 1999, which means today is her day. Therefore, let's celebrate with her by diving into her musical world.

Feather;Sabrina Carpenter.

Move your body left and right in sync.Shake your shoulders and move your feet toward the dance hall.

Why;Sabrina Carpenter.

Rock your body gently to the music beat. Stretch your right hand and move it past your head and do it with the other hand as well.

Roll your body down low and shake your body while at it.

Thumbs;Sabrina Carpenter.

Thumbs up from getting this far. Tap your feet gently as you walk left and right. Move your body up and down and rock your waist.


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.