OPENHAB in PILLOLE: 20. Il modello SEMANTICO - Prima MODELLAZIONE / OPENHAB in a NUTSHELL: 20. The SEMANTIC MODEL - Starting from scratch

in Discovery-it16 days ago

In this new video of the OpenHAB in a Nutshell series, let's see in practice how to do SEMANTIC modeling in OpenHAB, starting from scratch.

Let's create Locations, Equipments, Points with Properties and see how OpenHAB automatically configures its Home Page, based on the implemented semantic model.

Enjoy the video


In questo nuovo video della serie OpenHAB in Pillole, vediamo in pratica come fare una modellazione SEMANTICA in OpenHAB, partendo da zero.

Creiamo insieme Locations, Equipments, Points con Properties e vediamo come OpenHAB configura in automatico la sua Home Page, sulla base del modello semantico implementato.

Buona visione

Video e foto di mia proprietà

*** My own Video and Photos***