My Actifit Report Card and Update: March 2 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

Hi Everyone,

It's the first days of spring. It's a little chilly. Most years, March feels like an extension of winter. So we have four months of winter instead of three. For the most part, it was quite a mild winter. Snow did not sit for more than a couple of hours, that was on just one day in January. I suppose the mild winter was to make up for the disappointing summer. Less extreme weather is better for the animals. We just need the ground to dry out. We had so much rain in the second half of last year. We need the extra hours of sunshine to dry it out. Lily Goat hates the muddy ground. I'll be back to growing grass again. Hammy and Lily ripped it up a second year in a row. I must get it super thick before the end of summer.

My Content

I have posted three times since my previous Actifit Report. One post discussing the application of the octagon model to the political spectrum, another about brainwashing, and the results post for my quiz.


I felt I needed to revisit the octagon model. It has been several years since I introduced the octagon model. The original post focused on how it was created but not how it could be applied. At the time, I did not follow up the post. Two weeks ago I discussed some of flaws in our political system. I supplemented the discussion with the octagon model. However, that was not the place to explain how it could be used. Hence, I believed a separate post was necessary.

The octagon model visually presents the political spectrum. It shows that it is much more than a simple left to right spectrum. The model is based on three axes. These form the octagon. In the post, I assign more extreme forms of ideology to each point and side of the octagon. These ideologies align with a combination of ends of each axes. This was to demonstrate where these could fit. The planes formed between the points. They can be used to assess one's on political views as well as compare them with political parties ideology.


In my next post, I discussed brainwashing. I focused on the different types of brainwashing occurring in liberal societies and conservative societies. Brainwashing in conversative societies is reasonably simple. It mostly exploits culture built around strict religions. There is a strong focus on obeying the authority of god. Brainwashing in liberal societies is more complicated. It involves deceiving people into believing they think for themselves. The post elaborates on the dangers of being deceived by brainwashing and the possible outcomes when two different brainwashed groups collide.


The third post was the results post for the Sapien Loop Quiz. It had a decent turnout for the first of its kind. Two participants even answered all the questions correctly. I'm glad some people are getting into the book. The next quiz will be in a few weeks.

That wraps up this report and update. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend and a fantastic week ahead. I'll be back with more updates soon.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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That brainwashing is a smart way of controlling a person or even a group.

Though I think way back when I was younger, I was a victim 🤣. Nope not that serious just being young and naive

Almost anyone could be brainwashed to a certain extent. Some people are very good at deceiving others. For example, reinforcing people's existing beliefs. People are likely to follow other people who are saying and supporting the things they believe. A good manipulator will reinforce other people's ideas. They will target the disenfranchised and support the ideas of why they are disenfranchised. Most of what they say will be true. This builds trust. Once they have gained a trusted following, they become a little less honest. They will deviate from the truth, but in ways that are not obvious. Eventually, they will become the truth. This ultimately leads to them claiming they are the answer. The followers became trapped because they bought in so hard at the beginning. It would feel like admitting they were always wrong. In reality, they were only gradually departing from the truth.

Ah, this happened last year in my country, something manipulated through the beliefs.
I pity those who was a victim, but sad part even professional. They even left their jobs.
I must say the leader was so good in speaking, manipulating

Though aside from this , it could also leads to scammed.

Ah, really dangerous 😬

I was really able to learn a lot in that your last post that talked about brainwashing and so much truth you reveal there.

The octagon model is something also I will love to know more about

That's great, thanks for reading.
