Indigenous Live Band

in Music16 days ago

I currently live in a city where I don't often get the opportunity to attend parties because I don't like going to uninvited ones. However, I recently had the chance to witness a live band performance—a very local one with a mix of digital instruments and traditional ones like drums.
The type of music in such pattern I'm familiar with is church music, which I experience every week at church.

As you can see in the video above, it was an event—my paternal Grandma's burial—and the musical band was hired to add some flair to the occasion. One thing about this type of music is its originality; every single sound is practically and manually produced. There's a designated drummer, skillful guitarists, a proficient keyboardist, and the lead singer who directs and controls every moment.

The leader of this particular musical group is the one standing in front, wearing a dark blue attire with a lead guitarist's strap slung across his shoulder.

Sometimes, watching them multitask leaves me amazed, but it's something they excel at and make seem effortless. I used to play the drums somewhat decently; I once tried drumming and singing simultaneously, with a microphone stand fixed to my I know how it works.

This musical group also features dancers, always ladies, who take center stage with their cultural dance steps.

At events like this, the attendees often shower the band with money as a token of appreciation for the entertainment they provide.

I grew up seeing this particular musical group, and it's heartening to see that they're still active in the business.

In many places in Nigeria, especially the town where I reside currently, indigenous musical bands are scarce, except for church ones, which I find disappointing. Although the indigenes in my current place of residence claim to have indigenous music bands, I haven't seen any yet....the ones that I saw that looked alike displayed like the church pattern.

Thanks for reading.

| Photos is mine |


I promise you, I enjoy live bands so much. Those guys create magic with how they make their music, the band, and their body movements. It's just exceptional.

Meanwhile, I didn't see you anywhere in that video?
Where you at??

On my wedding day, it's live band or we clap our hands 😎

Meanwhile, I didn't see you anywhere in that video?

Did I mention that I joined them to dance??😏😏

Thank you coming

Have been finding you among the dancers, where hath thou.

he is not there, person that can not dance

See how you downgraded my friend

I didnt naaa

So you can fight for me like this.
God is good

I can dance,
I once own a dance group 😎

ahahah, ok ok. I believe you

I'm the one beating drum. Check well

Looks like a good party 😎

Wow. This is quite an eventful party. From the amazing bands to the rocky two ladies who showcased their skills in dancing and then the two guys: one being carried up like that. How on earth did they do that and that guy didn't fall? So exciting to watch.