We Decided To Go To Tenerife

This year - well nearly two - has/ have been fairly hectic for us, so we decided to have a holiday. We both wanted a sunshine holiday, so chose Tenerife, as neither of us have been here before.

We figured it would be too much for him, if we brought the baby, so came alone while he's being looked after by his grand parents. For the first few days, he's with Aimee's parents, and then the last days he'll be with mine.

We left Arklow at around 10 o'clock, and arrived to the airport around 12ish, so having a few hours to kill before the plane was due, we decided to get a few drinks.

The price was only slightly dearer than one of the pubs in our home towns, so it wasn't too bad. Still pretty expensive though, at around 17 Euros.

After a few drinks we were in line waiting to board our flight.

That's not actually our plane, ours was to the left of that and you can just about see the wing of it.

We ordered a window seat, but were given a wall seat instead.

We could see out it, which was fine, but we did have to lean forward to do so.

The plane descended too quickly and we ended up getting terrible pain in our ears. It was almost like a stabbing sensation, and it sucked.

we pre-booked our bus, and were sent to our designated stop, to find no bus. But, we did find some other people from Ireland and were chatting away with them while we waited.

By time we got onto our bus we were pretty bolloxed. It must have been close to 10 o'clock when we arrived. We were greated with champaign.

As we pulled up to the hotel, we were shocked. The place looked like a palace, and I think there were a few people taking second looks as we were getting off.

"What are those scruffy cunts doing getting off here?"

Even the bus driver who got our suitcases out asked where we were staying, as we're right outside our place. It's not like it's stupidly expensive or anything, but it is really nice looking.

By time we arrived it was about 10 O'clock, so we didn't have much time to do anything and we were pretty tired anyway so ended up going to sleep.

Here's the view looking up toward the town. It's nicer during the day, but this was our first look at it.

This is the other direction, and down in the darkness is the sea.

We can actually hear the waves from our hotel.

Beside us is the Hard Rock Cafe, so there is music spilling out at around 10 PM, so the sounds of the waves get a bit drowned out.

Here's a map of the hotel.

We were told where to go, but got lost on our first attempt to find the room.

The place looks pretty impressive, especially the pool area. But, I really like these.

The next day was great going down for breakfast. There are so many options for food, and rather than taking pictures of all the food bars, we took one of the treats.

Here is the shot of the town again, during the day.

The mountains wrap around the entire place, and in a way the land is fairly barron; a bit Mad Max-ish, but it looks nice and there are tons of cacti around.

Here's a picture of the other direction which show's the sea view. We're a minute from the beach.

We went for a wander after breakfast and picked up some supplies in a local super market.

The prices are about the same as back home for most things, but there are also decent prices for some items.

When we left the shop we saw this little freak hanging around.

We're not sure what it is, but we were trying to get a picture of it for ages standing outside with our shopping.

So far so good, we've been here since Wednesday, and leave tomorrow.

I'm going to write another of these posts soon showing off some of the other things we got up to while here, all of these pictures are from our first 2 days.

It has been a great chance just to chill, sit around in the sun, and drink cocktails.


The place looks fabulous and you'll be delighted to know it's pissing down here and a balmy 12 degrees!

We saw weather reports that it would be raining over here, and we figured it was just our luck. But, the weather has been great.

It has been a bit overcast, but there have been plenty of blasts of sunshine.

Oe nice one! I am very curious on how you will find the island. Hoping to see more of the travel stories coming in as we all love some good vacay time!

Enjoy! :)

It has been good, and was a nice few days. It was overcast for most of it, but I nearly prefer that to get some respite from the seering heat.

I'd come here again, although, the prices seem to vary wildly and in many ways things are just as expensive as Ireland, but then other things are so much cheaper.

What a nice place @killerwot I love the unique design of the place