Where there's love, there is life

Love means a lot

Hi friends,
I pray you all had a great day, without any tension or stress.
Today I share some exciting photos with you guys.

Why I'm saying where there is love, there is life?
I just don't know what happened to this new generation.
I just can't believe if I see some of the stupid things they do on social media.

In my time we didn't even think in that way, but nowdays.......
In the last days we lost some young, happy and entertaining people in Su.
Some whom you never think of they would do something like that.
Is suicide the option for all your problems?
Then everyone should commit suicide, because everyone has problems.

I hope you all take your time to talk. If you're in trouble talk, say it to someone!

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And that's why I say love means a lot...
Just look at this beautiful couple. It's love that brought them together...
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He is one of the handsome guys you will see in Su.

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I think here he realised what's going to happen to him...
Realizing the big step he's taking!
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And here is his beautiful wife....
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Just if you ever feel like you're in trouble, talk to someone!

With love,
Prasant Djewan


Very good photography results.

thank you my friend