How to Build Healthy Eating Habits in Kids

in Healthy Happy Kids2 months ago

Hey guys,

It's just the truth. The earlier we start explaining our children why is important to eat healthy, the more likely they are to create healthy habits that will last a lifetime!

If there's anything I was consistent with when it comes to my child's education, is NUTRITION. I keep mentioning to him day by day about our health. I buy nutrition books for kids, I try to involve him in making healthy snacks, ask him nicely to help me in the garden, picking up fruits from our orchird together, going to shopping and make ideal food choices, read labels, planting seeds, etc. All these activities only so he can hear loud and clear about the relationship between our bodies and the food we eat.



I can already see a difference between my kid and other kids who don't have this sense of being responsable for what they eat or didnt have someone to explain them why to chose fruits over sweets, for example.
Just to make it clear, my kid is just like any other kid out there. He would't say NO to a chocolate, but maybe he will say no to a second one. He will refuse it by saying:

I can't have it anymore. It's too much now. It's not healthy.

And for this I am so grateful 💓. He's just 5 now. But we have rules when it comes to sweets and eating in general. And in a way, he's happy about it. He knows how far can he go eating sweets for example and he knows when to stop. He won't ask for a second ice cream if I say No and he wont cry about it. At all.


It's a lot to say here, but please believe me when I say it's all worth to try! It's worth to face your family when they'll get moody and ask stupid immature questions like : why dont you allow your kid yo have this chocolate? You ate a lot of these when u was small and look at you now. You're healthy! See? or poor thing. You broke his heart by not allowing him to munch on these gummy bears, or ohhh a little soda wont kill him.

It's worth to try. It's worth to make an effort and make yourself at home healthy treats and snacks. It is all worthed to buy high quality food. It's all worthed when you see your kid chosing to have watermelon instead of sugary sweets.

But this is hard these days, even for the kids who eat healthy on a daily basis. Which is why you'll have to start earlier! Really really earlier. The sooner you start teaching your kid on how and what to eat, how the way of eating will affect his mood and energy, and eventually his life, the more chances to grow a healthy happy kid will grow too.



Here are some of the common things I do at home with my kid on order to teach him how to stay healthy


1. Prepare my son's meal together

Sometimes we follow receipes or a photo we see somewhere. We have a few books on Eating Healthy for Kids and my son loves to try these from time to time. It may be a smoothie, a breakfast recipe, a dessert or a snack.

This is a simple Breakfast Tray, what I'm presenting here. You can put in there whatever you have at home, however it would be amazing if you'd arrange the tray within categories like: Proteins, Grains, Veggies, Fruits and even have a little talk on the topic. Or maybe you want to add Dairy products instead of grains. Or let's say Nuts and Seeds. It's your choice to make.


2. Reading & Analyzing Labels

I can't believe it's been more than 10 years since I have bought this book called The book of food additives. Who would have thought that I would end up using it with my child? Definitely not me, not then. I didn't even think of having kids those days. 😂

It's just today when we did this experiment. Actually this is the reason of me thinking writing this post in the first place.
Me and Caleb went to the minimarket next to our house today. And he saw these Cheesy Puffcorn and wanted to have it. I said "Wait, let's go home and read the label see if it's healthy". I already knew they have some additives but I wanted for him to see by himself.

Look, I'm not that mom! I'll let my child eat crappy food from time to time and I'll assume it. But I also don't want to fall into an extreme and not allowing him have some candy or idk, something unhealthy. It's a balance and he knows to make healthy choices. It's the world we're living in. I can't keep him into a bubble and pretend that there is no such thing as unhealthy food. It's just that he knows we can't have those very often and that those foods make us feel bad.


We started by analazying the label.

We had two chips products, the puffycorn and the brown rice crisps.

I didnt think of making this comparision on the way home from the market, it came to me after he was dissapointed not having the puffycorn. I thought it's just perfect to talk about healthy alternatives.


We wrote down all the additives found in the puffycorn. They were 5. We searched for them into our book. Found them!

  • MSG
  • lactic acid
  • citric acid
  • calcium lactate
  • orange colorant
    All this besides Sugar, Maltodextrin, Glucoze Syrop and Palm Oil.

NO ADDitives in the other food product.


We started to read about the RED additive, it was MSG (Monosodium glutamate). Shortly, in our book it is written that this is a neurotoxic additive who attacks neurons and create cancer.


Caleb was a bit dissapointed for not having the puffycorn chips but in the end, it was his choice. He said they taste good, what should we do?

Then I start explaining to him why these additives are in our food and how big companies doesnt care about our health. It's us to be responsable for our body and make good choices to keep him in a good shape.
He still was frustrated and took 5-6 puffycorns, then he said again What should I do? How to chose?

So I came with this easy list: YES or NO.
We compared the two food products based on taste and healthy for us. The result?...No need to say who wins.

And thats all with all this. Caleb was ok with the healthier version of chips and said we're going to have the unhealthy chips once a year. That's a good reasoning. I was really proud of him and for being so mature. I know it's not that easy everyday and sometimes I lose it but...I'm here. I'm holding it all together.


3. Creating a healthy menu Play Time

This was more like a play. It was part of our learning activities, this time learning about the FOOD Categories like Carbs, Proteins, Fats, Dairy, Cereals, Fruits, Veggies. We also looked through a nutrition book for children with this activity to reinforce the new information.

We pretended to be in a restaurant and have a meal. What will we chose? A healthy meal plate or no?
So we played and eventually create our meal.

This is again an easy example on how to teach kids about food and eating healthy. You can even use wooden or plastic food toys items and make it more fun.



So what do you think?

I'm curious to know if you've found any inspiration here for starting food education with your kids. Have you already got some activities in mind to teach them about health and nutrition? And most importantly, are your kids showing an interest in learning about it?

Please drop your thoughts in the comments below. I'm eager to hear about the strategies you're using to raise healthy, happy kids!

Stay motivated and keep pushing forward. Parenting is undoubtedly challenging, but remember, every effort you put in is absolutely worth it!

Sending love,




COVERS (4).jpg

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I think you're an awesome mom. Just saying. 😏

Thanks? 🥹 yes, thank you, I do my best with this one, but appreciate it! 😁😊

You make a better mom than I would...of course, I'm not a woman so that's probably a moot point. 🤔

Well, I know what you meant, which is why the thank you! I struggle to be the awesome mom you mentioned, even if it means to enjoy Lindt in the car by myself alone. No Lindt for kids, not always! 🤣🤣🤔

I'm sure you'd be the best version of you in the dad role as well.

Haha, secret-car-Lindt, one must have Lindt right?

On the dad thing, one of my regrets in life is that it never happened for me, children, but I'm an uncle and hope a good one.

I don't know what the circumstances are that brought you to the point of living with this regret, but I bet you're the best uncle possible. I've read some of your uncle posts, and I can tell from your writing that you are a good loving and caring uncle. :)

I try to be a good uncle and I think I do a good job at it; I just guess it would have been good to have one of my own. It's ok though, I still have plenty to offer as an uncle.

Educating and providing healthy nutrition takes a very long time and is full of precision, but it all feels short if it is carried out with a sense of sincerity and of course with love.

Yes, thats true. Consistency is the key and one must go forward even though there has been failure too.

If you do it continuously, it will slowly become a habit

Better said, yes! agree 😊

What a great post and a very useful one 👍🏾 !LUV

Thank u!

Welcome 🤗

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@galenkp already said that you are an awesome mom so I won't repeat that again even though you know that my thoughts are the same. However, more than that you are an example for many of us and I often say that I should bookmark this kind of posts you write about how you educate Caleb and all of the activities you have together so I can use them as well if the moment of being a mother will ever come for me too :)

Thanks lovely! Appreciate your thoughts 😍. You know you can reach me anytime for any advice maybe you'll need and if I'll have a useful response, gladly to be there for you. You also have our insta page, maybe I'll try to be more active over there too. I love having you as my virtual friend and I'm sure one day we'll see in real life too! 🤗

Aww 🤗🤗


Did you hear about the Irish guy who was assassinated at the antique store?
It was a knick knack paddy whack.

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I also follow this step: cooking his food with him so he becomes excited to taste it.

First time i noticed that community... I'll post soon with this 😁
Have a great day 😊

Yes, when they participate in the process, especially when there's something they like, they tend to be more involved and receptive.

Sure! Post in there whenever you feel like! 😍
Have a lovely day yourself.💛

You're doing a really great job, you're a great mom, kudos to you 👍

Thank you lovely! Even if I fail at others, I try the best I can, thats for sure.


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cool post thanks !lolz

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Excellent post. Gonna share with my daughter so she can educate grandkids. i've been trying for many years but with only a little success.

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Thank you! And I'm really happy my post can maybe be useful for your family. It's not always easy, not even for me and I fail some days. But consistency is important.

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That is really good that your child is learning this at such a young age! It is important to always buy organic fruit, or just grow them yourself! Remember, everything in moderation, so it is ok if your son has a burger every 3 months or so. Keep up the good work @missdeli!

Definitely moderation is the key. You can't raise a kid without a burger these times 😂😂. But if you form healthy habits since they are little, these habits will stick with them eventually.