¡WTF! ¿Why? and I mean ¿WHY?

in #hive28 days ago

«Hive on Web3 Dubai 2024»

Then again ¿Why? ...I just wonder why the hell these videos below has not already been shared and published on Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin, Medium, Reddit, Odysee, Rumble, Gab, Bitchute, Peertube, CastGarden, BeeToons, FlatEarthDave TV and... and... ¿WTF? everywhere!! ¿Huh? ¿Why? Tell me why!

~~~ embed:hive-data/ylsbsgpd threespeak ~~~

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Cranky Gandalf



The NWO are using the WEF to suppress freedom.


Are you referring to only these guys below?


Or just to the innocent little wild flowers seeded in the middle of the US DOJ & SEC fields?

All the above, and their corporate masters, the 1000 largest corporations in the world, basically BlackRock et alia, ruled by Larry Fink, the Agenda Director for the WEF. While there are no publicly acknowledged links between the WEF and Chabad Lubavitch, this is because everything about Chabad Lubavitch that is publicly acknowledged is false, such as that it's a kooky messianic cult that proclaims Rebbe Schneerson the saviour, despite he's been dead some 6 years now.

An internal power struggle revealed their true purpose as upstarts were shown the power to control media the old guard have, when their underground rape tunnels were blatantly splashed across the eyeballs of the world - and absolutely nothing happened, the tunnels were claimed to have been blocked, and the title to their World HQ building was retained by the old guard and the upstarts rebuffed.


In the videos of this incident, you can see the child sized mattresses are stained with blood, just like the hands of the cultists that enslaved missing children and used them to blackmail powerful kiddy diddling politicians. Maybe we can vote against that?

Maybe not.

Even though I know that you know that I greatly appreciate your comment and that I also know that you know that I have plenty of material to expand a little more on everything you have told us. I suspect that I still fail a little to perceive how everything you have commented relates to the main subject of what I have published in this post.

So, for now, I think the most convenient thing will be to wait a bit until you or I publish a post specifically about what you have commented and then, actually, give free rein to everything we know and want to know more about the subject.

Then, for now I'm only gonna add an image below as an epilogue & reminder of this conversation for later and so as not to divert too much the attention of other potential commentators from the main subject of what I really wanted to find out through this post.

The Outer Limits