Slowing Down after Moving House

in #moving15 days ago (edited)

As mentioned in my previous post, I have been in the process of moving house

I did it!
I successfully moved over

and I must say that I am really enjoying my new place.
It sure is an upgrade :<)

With the help of a friend, on Tuesday
and my twin sister, on Wednesday,
I managed to pretty smoothly transition from one place to another.

As a result of all the heavy lifting and probably a bit of unavoidable stress over the move, as well as the ever-changing weather
( it started raining, once again ), I had to slow down, yesterday.

While pruning a grape vine on my new land,
I started to seriously feel my lower back
and I took this as a sign to rest.

While pruning, after having switched from bare foot gardening to boots, because I stepped into an ant's nest and these tiny ants didn't like that, something pretty (awesome) happened...

I heard a loud buzzing and didn't believe my eyes at first.
About a meter away, a hummingbird, no, a hummingbird (hawk-)moth was sucking the nectar from a (grape) flower.
It took me a couple of seconds to realize what I was seeing. I had never seen one before. I later looked it up and I had correctly identified this special creature.

This is what they look like:


Anyhow, after a while, my back started signalling to me
that it was time to take a serious break.
The pretty heavy rain, that basically continued until this morning, also helped with this.

Suffice to say that I basically vegged out on the couch, watched a movie, tried to keep feeding myself (although a cook would have been nice) and spent most of the day indoors, aside from some watering of the plants aka garden-pee-breaks.

I am not that great at granting myself a break, but I am getting better at listening to my body's signals and I believe that I managed to do so, yesterday. And perhaps even more importantly, I was able to enjoy this time off.

Today is another day and I am still trying to take it easy.

Although I walked into town this morning ( now a 30 minute hike, where it used to be 20 minutes, from my previous place ) and walked back the same distance with a backpack filled with groceries.
All in all, a one hour workout. Probably way more than the average person gets in. And, as an added bonus, outdoors.

I also drank a coffee (or two) too many with the friend that helped me moving house and had uma tosta mista. It was worth it though.

This afternoon, I compensated for the excess caffeine by having a good lunch and drinking loads of water.

I also emptied - and cleaned out - the compost toilet ( from my new bathroom ) which was a bit of a shitty job, not recommended for those with a fear of germs but I'm not one of those, otherwise this off-grid life would have sucked haha!

While doing this 'dirty' job, I had to think of you @paradigmprospect and not because you're a shitty person or because you shit post ;<) because you're not and you don't, but because of this series of posts of yours about Humanure: using poo to save the world that I should probably dive into ( not into the poo but into the content haha! )

The view from my new garden

not my house but a tool shed underneath it

the most cosy corner of my tiny but comfy living room.
Did you spot my ukulele?

And here's a picture of the other, more messy side. This was taken just after moving house, as my buddy @selfhelp4trolls asked for visual proof of me having moved over.

I think the picture above was taken yesterday morning,
on the side of my house.

And the following was probably taken this morning,
on my way into the village.

I am gonna end it here, for today.
I still have more resting to do,
as well as re-organizing, cleaning and so on.

Just wanted to let all of you know that I did it
and remind my future self of yet another transition in my life, another upgrade, close(r) to the life that I (would) like to live.

I really wouldn't mind staying here (more than) a bit longer than 4 months and that is an understatement.

Sending love!✨


Welcome home, Vincent! 🤗🥳

I love that you saw a humming bird moth, reminding you of delicate subtle movements... They pass me occasionally around here, and never cease to delight 🥰 I am sure they must have seemed like fairies or sprites, to folks in the past, and the first time I saw one too, I was a wee bit astounded 🤗

Love hearing about your compost toilet: humanure is another passion of mine: cannot wait to own a home and land where I WON'T have to desicrate (deficate!) clean water with my daily ablutions! Great work, saving the world!

They pass me occasionally around here, and never cease to delight 🥰 I am sure they must have seemed like fairies or sprites, to folks in the past, and the first time I saw one too, I was a wee bit astounded 🤗

Awesome to hear that you've seen them several times before :<)

humanure is another passion of mine


cannot wait to own a home and land where I WON'T have to desicrate (deficate!) clean water with my daily ablutions! Great work, saving the world!

Haha! You get it.

I am no longer filling up the sewers with my crap but instead feeding the earth with my golden .... and that feels great.


god dude, how wonderful it looks. massive congratulations!!!

as for new synchronicities, i messed up my lower back 3 days ago and am now slowly recovering. i can move around again today. just funny when i read the same happened to you.

what are the odds (again) right?

blessings and all the best for your new place

My goodness you choose gorgeous places to live! I'm glad you find this one an upgrade. That last one, beautiful though it was, sounded much too hard to live in. Congrats. May you thrive here for a very long time.

I'm glad you find this one an upgrade. That last one, beautiful though it was, sounded much too hard to live in.

You get it. My previous house seemed amazing at first sight but actual living there was pretty rough. I mainly enjoyed the veranda and spending time outside of the house. This new place feels different, in a good way.

Thank you for the kind words. Sending a hug!✨

Niiiiiioce. This is the coolest looking place yet. How long will you likely be able to stay there? No more house potato?

This is the coolest looking place yet.

I agree.
Although I wonder if you remember the view from my very first house, in Monte Frio?

How long will you likely be able to stay there? No more house potato?

I answer that question at the end of my post, although you really never know for sure.
'The Universe' might be willing to extend my stay ;<)

And no, I am no couch potato any longer. I am feeling more energized today. Less rain helps a lot too.

Only four months!? What if you refuse?

At least 4 months. Let's see what happens.

You're living the life I dream of. This place is so so beautiful!
Sending love and Ecency Vote!

Cheers! Keep dreaming and visualizing your future and who knows, one day you might manifest it ( like I did ) ✨

I will manifest for sure. Then I will also share such views from my window 🏞️😊 cheers buddy!

Seems like you were eager to move to a new place and you liked the place so much <3

You get it. Super happy with the change :<)

Wishing you all the best in your magical experience friend.

Thank you!✨ How's life in South Africa treating you?

It is not easy to shift the house, we did it a few months ago, we have to face many difficulties, but the good thing is that you have done it

I think this was one of the easiest moves I have had so far and I moved many times in my life. The most challenging part was carrying things uphill, out of my garden, up to the car.✨

Your garden and place look great! Have a beautiful day.

Thank you! It is a special place. Wishing you a beautiful day too :<)

I’m glad to know that you have moved to another house and you were helped by your twin and a friend
Congratulations and how’s your new abode
Are you enjoying it?

Thank you!
I am enjoying it.
Can't wait for the sun to start shining a bit more regularly though,
so I can take a hot shower and get even more energized ✨

That's right, moving house isn't easy. How many days does it take to set up all the stuff? I know, I've had that experience.