Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1609

in #niche28 days ago
Authored by @macchiata

OCD's support is expanding!

Hello everyone! This is the 1609th compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

How this Works

OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

Curated Posts

Author: @juanvegetarian
Community: C/Hive PH

Thoughts on the Creative Blogging Process, Ideal Work Space, and Success in Creating Content on Hive.

It's Friday (i began writing this blog yesterday 😁) and another week has ended with some blogging success for me. "Success", for me, is to be able to upload at least two blog posts in the last seven days. Not a big goal to strive for, but my goal nonetheless. It has been difficult to work on my blog and had only recently started blogging again. Lucky for me, it stuck this time, and I was able to put up more than a few posts in the last 30 days - 13 to be exact. This was a big achievement for me because I enjoy blogging and creating content. It stirs up the pot of my otherwise boring creative life.

Now, moving on...

Curator: @macchiata

Author: @sunsethunter
Community: C/Music

Ethereal Taps into Emotional Rip - Guitar Solo

A shorter one coming today! Was experimenting with something different, I was wanting to try something more atmospheric and softer than usual. Alas, I couldn't resist and went back into the usual solos that I love to play!

Curator: @eugelys

Author: @aurodivys
Community: C/Market Friday

Shopping for flowers and a whim| Market Friday (EN-ES)

Happy Friday!

Warm greetings to all who make life in this community, I hope you are very well with health and wellness and that it is a day of good shopping.

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @oscarcede
Community: C/Plant Power (Vegan)

"Arroz con vegetales" | "Rice with vegetables" (ESP-ENG)

IN ENGLISH: A big greeting to all the friends who delight us daily with their excellent cooking recipes. I tell you that today I wanted to eat something different and quick for lunch, so it occurred to me to prepare "Rice with vegetables" this dish can be accompanied with baked potatoes, beans or any other type of grain. For this recipe I am going to use carrot, zucchini, cabbage, chives, garlic joint , parsley, oregano, onion and of course the main ingredient which is "white rice".

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @isdarmady
Community: C/Foodies Bee Hive

The Best Chicken Noodle in The Town - Kampoeng GOKIL

Hello everyone, How are you all? I hope the news is good and accompanies us all. What's your favorite for life? If the question goes to me, I can say is eating delicious food at a cheap price. It is a wonderful blessing that has been given to humanity.

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @yraimadiaz
Community: C/Plant Power (Vegan)

Yucca with Mojo my style // Yuca al Mojo a mi Estilo.

I am very pleased to bring my recipes to this beautiful and beloved community #plantpoweronhive so for this beautiful day I have brought to share an exquisite recipe which is very practical and you can eat or accompany it with whatever you like, this recipe is one of my favorites because you can enjoy it both hot and cold and has that particularity that you can prepare enough Mojo and keep in the fridge in its respective glass jar and then accompany it with whatever you like.

Curator: @millycf1976

Author: @virgilio07
Community: C/Hive Diy

Hermosa Pulsera Macramé Tejido Garra

Hello #hivedy community delighted to greet you and wish you a happy and blessed weekend. I pray the blessed one gives you prosperity and abundant health.

On this occasion I wish to share with you a beautiful Friendship bracelet. It is a beautiful piece of jewelry ideal to give to the special person.

Curator: @millycf1976

Author: @pinkchic
Community: C/The MINIMALIST

The hardest way to learn lessons!

I used to wear shorts even when I was younger but when an accident happened to me, I learned to love maxi dresses and long skirts just to cover my left leg back when they started to become smaller than the other leg. Perhaps I loved this wear and made me comfortable wherever I went along with my favorite pink or gold slippers.

Curator: @millycf1976

Author: @terrywayne
Community: C/Urban Exploration

Exploring A Huge Underground Room

A friend of mine sent me one picture of this location and told me I needed to go asap. It was open but wouldn't be for long! Within hours I was in a storm drain tunnel and then inside of this massive CSO storage tank

Curator: @livinguktaiwan

Author: @milik80
Community: C/Amazing Drinks

"Refreshing smoothie, an explosion of flavor and health!"[🇺🇸/🇪🇸]

"Imagine enjoying a delicious smoothie that not only satisfies your palate and is super refreshing, but also provides a lot of essential nutrients for our body. With this refreshing strawberry, melon, peach and pineapple smoothie, you can enjoy an explosion of flavors while benefiting from the antioxidant properties, vitamins and fiber that these fruits provide.

Curator: @eugelys

This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with peakd or on Hive Witnesses.

@ocdb supports community curation!
You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards.

Join our Discord channel for more information.


Many thanks to @OCD for all the support and to friend @eugelys for her support. Hugs and blessings

You are welcome!

Very grateful for the support, @OCD and @anggreklestari friends. Honored to be part of this report. Regards

@ocd @anggreklestari Thank you for your great support for my post 🤗❤️🌹

Thank you!!