Standing in front of the mirror.

in #philosophylast month


Have you ever heard about George Ivánovich Gurdjieff? A man who has been said was fluent in eighteen different languages mainly standing out in speaking in Russian, Armenian, Turkish, French, and Greek to spread his spiritual teachings? ¿Nope?

And what about his books?

  1. Beelzebub's tales to his grandson.
  2. The struggle of the magicians.
  3. Meetings with remarkable men.
  4. Life is only real then, when "I am".
    ¿No? ¿His books either?

Ok, then what about his work in the teachings of the philosophy of the Fourth Way? The retake, new contributions and use of the Enneagram to spread his teachings? or Mr. Gurdjieff’s greatest invention and contribution to humanity through the ritual described in his famous treatise: "Science d'idiotisme" better known in the West as "The Toast to Idiots" and the one in which basically I will focus on in this posts today?

«The Ancient Roots of Enneagram»

Although, even when it may be possible that if you have never heard of Gurdjieff before or if previously you haven't read any of his books or teachings as to familiarize yourself with his work, all this might sound like something pretty reasonable to you. Right?

However, I bet that if you've been in Hive long enough. What wouldn't sound so reasonable would be that you've not heard either of that other enigmatic old philosopher in a pink outfit, pink crosier and pink hair bow who over the years has also been talking and writing about these esoteric topics very often and even quoting Gurdjieff himself jointly with his work, teachings and whatnot in many of these posts.

Yeah, including these arcane topics such as the use of the enneagram. The ancient wisdom on how to interpret it properly. The main postulates of the fourth way theory. And if we want to go even further, even the results of what you can expect to find out when you reflect in a mirror.

But well, as I said before, in this post today I am only going to focus on a single topic. About Gurdjieff's famous treatise "Science d'idiotisme" of which I will now gonna share next solely a brief excerpt of this largely celebrated essay:

¡A la sante de tous les idiots ordinaires!

The Twenty-one Category of Idiots in Ascending Order:

  1. The ordinary idiot.
  2. The super idiot.
  3. The arch idiot.
  4. The hopeless idiot.
  5. The Compassionate idiot.
  6. The squirming idiot.
  7. The square idiot.
  8. The round idiot.
  9. The zigzag idiot.
  10. The enlightened idiot.
  11. The doubting idiot.
  12. The swaggering idiot.
  13. The “true” (born) idiot.
  14. The smart idiot.
  15. The ingenious idiot.
  16. The polyhedral idiot.
  17. The masterly idiot.
  18. The perfect idiot.
  19. The holy idiot.
  20. The cosmic idiot.
  21. The unique idiot.

In this short extract you will only find the names, levels and labels of the twenty-one categories that are highlighted in this treatise. So, for a more complete description of each one of them and to know exactly what each of them consists of, I suggest that you Google a little bit. Since I'm sure you quickly will find a more extensive explanation of what you could very easily find when standing in front of a mirror.

In conclusion, Gurdjieff’s impact on the scientific landscape is undeniably significant. His Enneagram system and Fourth Way theory plus his Science d'idiotisme treatise, definitely offer valuable insights into human psychology and systemic understanding.

While the esoteric nature of his teachings may challenge conventional scientific paradigms. Gurdjieff’s ability to bridge ancient wisdom with modern insights contributes to a rich tapestry of knowledge. Exploring Gurdjieff’s works invites a dialogue between spirituality, science and ethics. Fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of human existence. And revealing us and giving us a good hint of what could be behind of the absurd human endeavors, whereabouts and mainstream behaviors that can be perceived these days. Then, what would you expect to see reflected in your own mirror if you stood in front of it? ¿Any idea?

¿Why do I write about these topics?

Ah, very good question. I guess I do it because no one else around here seems to do it. And I imagine that it is absolutely necessary that someone do it. Or that at least dare to do so. Because otherwise, what's the point in posting only intracesdental stupid things online?

Uhm... cool! I think that last sentence above is going to be the title and topic of my next post. So stay tuned and don't miss it so you don't regret missing it.

And lastly and to close this post right here. Sometimes you wonder if the people in this ecosystem can see me and perceive me as some kind of threat for publishing this type of content here? ¿Huh?

Well, probably. I can certainly be seen as a threat to some. But only, only for those who have not yet dared to stand in front of a mirror and carefully see their own reflection in all its splendor.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf



I can't even find that essay "Science d'idiotisme". Probably for the best, from what little experience I have with Gurdjieff.


Yep, if you search through google the phrase "Science d'idiotisme" you will probably get only a few links, mostly in French.

However, if you search for "The Toast to Idiots" now you would be a little closer to stumbling upon what you are interested in knowing.

Nonetheless, I will provide you with a shortcut anyway. Since if you click here, then you actually will find that more extensive explanation about what some of the 21 categories consist of, that I talked about in the post, and that I suspect was what you wanted to read. :)

While understanding idiocy is certainly desirable, particularly one's own idiotic nature, I was looking to find, as is my wont, generally seeking source material, Gurdjieff's own essay on the matter, which neither seems to be at the link you have provided.