Blacksmithing in Mexico

in #photography16 days ago

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to a new post and hope you have a great start to the new weekend! In this post, I would like to talk a little about blacksmithing and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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This traditional craft has a long history in Mexico and, as in other cultures, the blacksmith has focused on making metal objects in Mexico and is typically making tools, weapons, horseshoes, nails, jewelry or other utensils. The art of blacksmithing has changed greatly over the centuries and and it was the time of the industrial revolution which ensured that new technologies were developed that facilitated the methods of production to produce things on a large scale and more cheaply and for numerous blacksmiths the business was no longer lucrative. Many were forced to close their workshop and blacksmiths who lived in rural areas often moved to larger cities to live there or sell their works because they can earn more, however, there were many people who were behind promoting traditional culture and it can be considered timeless art. Most of the time this craft, together with all the knowledge needed for it, is passed on in the family from generation to generation and typically tools such as hammer, pliers and anvil are used and, depending on the blacksmith, various metals and minerals were used. In Mexico there are some museums where old objects of blacksmiths can be seen and also in mythology there are some gods who were associated with this art and the natives of Mexico Aztecs worshipped Xipe Totec which was also considered the protective god of the blacksmiths and at the time of the Aztecs in addition to metals, minerals such as Obsedian were used to create objects like knives. Fire gods were also associated with blacksmithing in the mythology of the natives and there are numerous legends in which the blacksmith can be found and the work has strongly influenced the development of civilization and is another example of the diverse art in Mexico.

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Thank you for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about this interesting topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens


Both lava and stone are special and the things made of them are very beautiful.

Thanks for the comment