👺 Can you spot the LIE in this Leadsleap Lead Capture Page?

in #proofofbrainlast month

This is a broadcast email I just sent out to my Leadsleap list subscribers (modified for Hive blog readers):

Ho hum...

Here is a rather nicely designed lead capture page that someone created on Leadsleap...

If you've spent any time clicking for credits on Leadsleap, or on safelists and traffic exchanges, you've probably seen this page. I don't know who designed it, but they've done a good job EXCEPT for ONE THING...

The page contains an outright LIE!

Screenshot 2024-04-23 6.32.58 PM.png

Can you spot the lie?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you get it right I'll put your name in a hat and the lucky winner will get 500 unique visitors to a lead capture page (or Hive-related page) of your choice. 🎁🥳

I'll post the answer in tomorrow's ... blog post! 😏


David Hurley