My Simplest, Nuttiest, Free, and Most Fun Funnel Yet!

in #proofofbrain2 months ago (edited)


Hi Folks,

Here's my latest Leadsleap funnel project!

I just can't stop making funnels...

This one is super simple and I had a blast making it yesterday. Apart from Leadsleap, it's built around just one completely free "paid to click" program called Paid Links System. It's been around for a few years, and is run by Wes Simmang who has over 25 years' experience in online advertising.

This funnel is aimed at anybody who wants to build a mailing list and earn some cash without the risk of buying into a bunch of expensive programs. It's a beginner-friendly system that I have just started testing.

Check out the video for more info!

First, I Sent Out A Broadcast...

I hadn't even made the video, let alone the marketing funnel, when I sent out a broadcast to my mailing list about my idea for a "super simple free funnel."

I sent out a broadcast to my mailing lists yesterday, inviting people to email me if they were interested in learning more about my "nutty idea."

Screenshot 2024-04-12 1.11.59 PM.png

I set the email broadcast to go out to all my lists at 2am (Tokyo time), and went to bed.

If nobody had replied, I wouldn't have taken my idea any further...

Over A Dozen Requests For More Info...

When I got up a few hours later, I found my inbox had a dozen or so requests for more info, and by lunch time there were over twenty requests for info. Even today, a day later, I have had one or two requests...

So the next thing I did was to make the video to explain my idea.

Then I made a landing page for the video, with the action steps laid out. Here is the landing page:

Set Up The Funnel

That resulted in half a dozen people requesting either that I set up the funnel or send them the Sharecodes so they could do it themselves.

Also, three people joined the program and started clicking the ads!

I replied to everybody... Give me 24 hours to create the funnel! 🤣🤣

I wasn't able to complete it yesterday evening as I had an online class to teach...

So I spent this morning setting everything up and have just finished sending the sharecodes to those who requested them.

Then I contacted Wes, the owner of the program the funnel is promoting and he replied with a very encouraging message of support, and so we are up and running!

Here is a screenshot of the lead capture page:

Screenshot 2024-04-12 1.34.49 PM.png

And here are the emails all loaded onto the autoresponder:

Screenshot 2024-04-12 1.35.44 PM.png

The whole thing was done in less than three hours...

So now I'm going to test the lead capture page and see if it is effective in attracting subscribers onto my latest mailing list!


David Hurley

P. S. Here is the link to the lead capture page: - hop on board if you are curious to see what it is all about! 😉