Riverside Rant: Multiple Funnels and Zero Subscribers!

in #proofofbrainlast month (edited)


The Spring term started a few days ago, so this was my first week back at my Monday-Wednesday vocational college teaching gig. It was a beautiful morning as I walked along the river towards the college, but I had something I wanted to RANT about...

Namely, the strange case of aspiring affiliate marketers who spend their time accumulating "marketing funnels" and tinkering with them, but never actually get around to PROMOTING them!

Seriously, in my capacity as a Virtual Assistant who has set up many different Leadsleap Marketing Funnels for a lot of my clients, I have noticed a rather strange tendency among some Pro Leadsleapers to accumulate ghost funnels! Some sharecode-happy accounts have more funnels than subscribers!!

Here's the video, with the transcript below:

Video Transcript

Well, it's a beautiful morning here in Hirosima and I'm back at my college routine.

Well, I've given up one college in the second half of the week so that I can focus on my internet business, but I'm still at my Monday to Wednesday gig, and I'm walking along the river now to head in and do my first class. I've got two classes this morning - fairly easy day, I'll be finished at lunchtime and I'll go home and get to work setting up the Traffic Exchange Success Secrets funnels for my customers and clients.

Now, what I want to talk about today is uh what I've been up to and what I've discovered about um working with Leadsleap as a VA, a Virtual Assistant, helping people to set up funnels and email follow-up series, landing pages, and all that sort of thing.

And there's a few things I've noticed which really puzzled me at first, which is that quite a few people - and there's no guilt or condemnation here, we're all learning - but quite a few people have MORE FUNNELS THAN SUBSCRIBERS, which is really not the way we should be doing things.

It should be the other way around. You should have a ton more subscribers, like hundreds and eventually thousands of subscribers, funneled into one or two or three or four funnels. If you've got a few thousand subscribers, then it doesn't really matter if you have five or six funnels all bringing in subscribers.

What I'm seeing is a lot of people, presumably out of curiosity, are grabbing funnels, using those sharecodes which people are giving away - including me - to bring in a free landing page or free funnel out of a reasonable curiosity...

But then nothing happens!

A lot of people are much more focused on fiddling around with the funnel than in actually doing the important work, which is going out and promoting to build your list.

So this is my message to you today: If you're are a Leadsleap Pro member and you've got more than three funnels that you've imported, and you have less than 100 subscribers, then choose ONE funnel that's going to work for you and focus on promoting the landing page, promoting the lead capture page, and building your freaking list!

It blows my mind!

People are fiddling around and they're not building their list. Well, perhaps it's because building your list actually involves doing the work, and "doing the work" may not be very interesting because "doing the work" means writing those short emails (not long novels) just to get people onto your list from the safelists, and then you have to click for credits or you have to upgrade, or both.

I recommend you find some lifetime memberships where you pay once and you get the benefit for life. Herculist is a great example where you can do that and Website Traffic Rewards is another one: Pay once - there's a $37 silver lifetime membership on offer at Website Traffic Rewards. It's been there for quite a while. Just join free, log in and there it is: one-time payment. Bang! And you get those benefits for life. And in that way you can leverage your traffic-generating power.

And then there are one or two of the better traffic exchanges such as the ones I talk about in Traffic Exchange Success Secrets.

But to get anything to happen, you actually have to click for credits. You actually have to do the work, and you have to do that work day after day. You have to set yourself a routine and focus on building your freaking list, not on multiplying funnels out of mere curiosity unless it's just a hobby and not a business.

Okay folks, that's my rant of the morning over and done with it.

It's a glorious morning! Look at this! Isn't it wonderful!

And I'm going to go and see some of my fun-loving students and have a bit of a laugh until lunchtime.

Talk to you again soon.

This is David Hurley of DavidHurley.net, Top5Programs.com, Traffic Exchange Success Secrets, 100% Commission Funnel...

Yeah, I also have multiple funnels - but at least I'm building my list with them!




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Find out more about my ebook, Traffic Exchange Success Secrets 2024 here: https://hive.blog/proofofbrain/@hirohurl/traffic-exchange-success-secrets-2024-a-complete-traffic-exchange-strategy-and-owner-s-package