$PWR: Everything is ready

in #pwr9 months ago (edited)

It may have caught some of you by surprise, but last night dev and I were doing a test distribution, and (SURPRISE!) a few PWRs were distributed.

I wanted to make this little post to let you know that I am obviously aware and that yes, it was planned.

Seems that the bot is running more than fine and this test allowed to refine the last parameters of the machine and basically check that everything is working as it should.

It seems that all accounts (except myself) received small $PWR drops.


fact, which by the way suits me very well to say THANKS again to all the early delegators and give you a small reward in the form of a single daily 5,5% APR payment. You can obviously take that.


(See, Bear market things made me flex on a 5 'HIVE payment'. Ancestors are feeling proud.

Unless there is a last-minute problem, everything is ready for Monday.

Delegations done on Monday or before should start receiving $PWR tokens at a 20% APR starting in the early morning of Tuesday.

SWAP.HIVE - PWR Pool rewards activated

I'm also taking the chance to inform you that the rewards for the pool have been activated and as previously mentioned, the pool has been topped up to allow a 5% APR for LPs.

Note that the main LP now is the management account itself (@empo @vventures ). Rewards will be funneled back to the pool; either in the form of additional liquidity or in the form of extended rewards.

In case the APR drops too much, I'll consider minting a few more tokens to keep the APR competitive. (Overall size of pool rewards inflation is negligible).


And I guess that's all for today.

Make sure you have your Hive power available for Monday (and delegate to @empo.voter) if you want to be eligible for the first-day rewards!

Best of probabilities.


I read all of the posts about this new project, and I actually wanted to recommend my own project's curation as one to consider following. My project is not itself a curation project, but rather it is the FreeCompliments Community, which I created to bring smiles all over Hive and to provide a mental health support platform, which to my knowledge is a first on Web 3.0, at least on the social media side.

Our project is still very small, as is our curation account @fc-curation. We vote on all posts in our community (provided it's not illegal, spam, or plagiarism), and the posts are primarily written by small accounts with a few medium-sized ones. All curation is manual and focused on quality content - except for automatic votes to the community account @hive-140084 and my own account (which I use as my "salary," since I fully funded the community).

Of course, if you decide to follow our little curation trail, I think it will greatly help the smaller and newer users who have found us - and we're constantly trying to find more new members. For the sake of the community and its members, if you want to remove votes from my posts, since they're automatic, I'd be totally OK with that too. I'm placing the community first because there's truly a bigger picture.

Hope you'll consider us! 😊

Although I like the idea I have to say that you should try to improve your efficiency in curating (seeing that you have a lot of 0.00% efficiency votes, which basically gives you nothing).


Although this is normal since you're doing a lot of manual curation and sitting the slider at 20% or less which for a 650 HP acc is very little and If I'm not wrong some dust payouts are ignored because of these (but again this is normal since you're voting on a lot of comments and after the 1st day threshold have passed).

Anyway, I'll give you a try, and now empo.voter should be supporting the freecompliments community with a little vote on posts (not comments).

Use it wisely!

I genuinely appreciate you trying us out!

I did actually track the efficiency from Day 1 and rooted out the causes: indeed, the comment curation and smaller voting percentages are the primary culprits. However, I already have a long-term plan in place to address this: rewards from daily posts created by hive-140084 and fc-curation are being used to continue increasing its HP, so over a period of a few months, you'll definitely notice improvements in efficiency. The rate at which we curate comments is another area where we can improve, and I may require additional manpower for this since the community has been growing rapidly.

We'll definitely use your VP wisely. Quality and effort is of utmost importance!

It's always amazing to see behind-the-scenes testing and preparations for a project like this. Kudos to you for being transparent and resourceful about it! The fact that you're refining the parameters and ensuring everything runs smoothly is a reflection your dedication and commitment. And those surprise PWR drops are a nice way to say thanks to your early supporters. Looking forward to Monday and the rewards rolling in.

I believe transparency is key for a 'fair launch' project. if people doesn't feel like the paying ground is equal for everyone then is when the first problems and inefficiencies arise.

plus I agree it's very interesting how people behave.

Hmm, you are right about your approach. Do have a wonderful day and thanks for the support. I do really appreciate

Congrats on getting all setup and kicked off for today - just going over to do my delegation now !

Thanks for the vote of confidence @hoosie :), much appreciated.

Have a great start of the week, your first bunch of rewards will be in your wallet within a few hours sir.

No problem ! And I have to say that first month APR has been playing heavily on my mind all day, so I've just done some sums, and 10x'd my delegation to 3K - I just cant ignore that offer. I'll have to reduce it again at the end of the month (sorry about that, but got some other things I need it for) - but gotta make hay while the sun shines !!!

Don't worry about that, I understand it perfectly :)

Ok delegated some. Why am I still poor?

Poor trumpman. 😢

(Feel free to sell that tear for some crypto)


In an unrelated note, I'm just waiting for some un-delegations be online to delegate to the project. Let's rock :D

hehehe well I'm just 'protecting' people from dust limit orders at absurd prices, better to set the limits and thats it, damage minimized.

feel free to delegate when u feel comfy 8and the chain allows u!)