Love Sniper Retention Curation #623

in #retention24 days ago
Authored by @macchiata


Hello everyone!

This is the Lovesniper Retention curation initiative aiming to retain those quality content creators after making their introduction posts. It was observed that after newbies made their introduction posts, their succeeding posts are often ignored. This initiative will hopefully encourage the newbies to continue posting quality content and interact with anyone in the community. As compilation posts are also done, this will highlight the newbies and will give the community an idea which newbie to look out for.

OCD's Lovesniper team will follow everyone who made an introduction post and @lovesniper's feed will be the place to scour those quality content from new authors. Curators will check all the posts in the feed to find under-rewarded posts and recommend them for curation.

Here the recommended posts for OCD upvote for this batch of love sniper retention curation:

Newbie: @leopard0


Hello Hivers, lovers of cooking and good food.

This is my first time in this community. Thank you for welcoming me.

I tell you that on Sundays, as I spend more time at home, I like to explore the culinary art. Using the same ingredients as every day, I try to give a different touch to the preparation, to enjoy Sunday lunch with the family.

This morning I bought pumpkin at the market and I will use it as the main base for the recipe I am about to present to you. It is a simple preparation that brings color and flavor to the table. Follow me and you will not regret it.

Newbie: @jilrodriguez


I turned off the cornet I had, and took the Beirimbau, so we began to make our music, with clapping and singing, and our students began to invite people from the RODA, and to play with them.

Newbie: @abrahamjsr

Ejercicios Sencillos de Ejecutar[ESP] [ENG]

Greetings friends of the Swc Community, my name is Abraham Sanchez, my username is @abrahamjsr, today I brought some simple exercises to perform in Calisthenics.

We just need to have a slight control of our body to be able to execute them, I proceed to share with you the pictures I hope you enjoy them and see you in a future publication.

Newbie: @jeank00

My recovered empty cat/ A story for Caturday [ENG/ESP]

On a night of wanderings, a cat was looking for something to do, roaming around the roofs of the neighbouring houses. Suddenly he heard a noise, oh yes! That noise came from the other side of the fence, and it was very characteristic of another feline, so he quickly jumped over the fence and when he got to the other side he realised that there was a cat with a bad face, who, on seeing him, immediately chased him in order to hurt him.

Newbie: @vladocuba

Llegada de la lluvia a la ciudad de Holguín/ Rain arrives in the city of Holguín[es/en]

Greetings to all the Hive community, today I will talk to you about the arrival of rain in the city of Holguin. This area in the east of the island, in the first months of the year, rain is not very frequent, and usually begins in the first days of May. This year the rain came a day earlier, because on April 30 in the afternoon, the rain began.

Newbie: @gabrielacarrasco

Caracas at night / Caracas de noche [ENG / ESP]

That night we talked until the sun came up, I was sharing with a friend and brother in life, we hadn't seen each other for quite a while, countless topics came up, we talked about art, the university, our families, life in general...

Newbie: @danielaelymar

Eye Makeup in blue and purple tones [ENG-ESP]

Hello everyone I want to give a greeting to all the members of this community, it's my first time here I hope you like the eye makeup that today I'm going to show you. The makeup is made up of shades of pink, blue and shadows with bright colors, it is a makeup that is indeed for meetings and important events, as it is quite striking and heavy for the day to day. It could be considered an artistic make-up due to its composition and colors.

I have always liked to experiment with different makeup techniques and I hope you in particular like it as much as I do. This eye makeup took me about 25m for both eyes, it didn't take me much time compared to other eye makeup I've done in the past, I guess it's because it's not that complicated to do the eyeliner.

Newbie: @anne002

🌻🧺Cesta tejida de papel reciclado 🧺🌻//🌻🧺Recycled paper woven basket🌻🧺

To start, friends, I started by cutting strips of paper 30 cm long x 7 cm wide. I cut 14, 7 horizontal and 7 vertical to weave my basket. If you want your basket larger, you can increase the strips. After I had them ready, I proceeded to Fold them about 2 cm thick, and that's what I did with all of them.

Newbie: @celely

Buscando Encajar en un Mundo Extrovertido [Esp - Eng]

I will start by saying that people tend to think that by knowing me by social network interactions, or by being in the same class as me, for example, they already know me and how I usually act and think. But let me tell you that this has always seemed wrong to me, in the sense that I feel that they simplify me a lot by saying that I usually behave in a certain way, having barely exchanged a few words with me or having seen me from the outside. Although I think anyone can err on this, even me, and so I try not to judge without knowing. So, having said that...

Newbie: @altheana

My recipe for salmon, broccoli and goat’s cheese quiche / Ma recette de quiche saumon, brocoli et chèvre [EN/FR]

Hello dear friends, how are you today ? 😄

Today, I want to share with you a recipe that I tested this week and that I loved: salmon, broccoli, goat’s cheese quiche. A real treat !

If like me, you are not a fan of broccoli, you have to know that this recipe can really reconcile you with this vegetable! Anyway, it works for me.

It’s a quick and easy meal to prepare, doesn’t cost very much and can make several meals.

I'll reveal the recipe to you!

Please help us welcome our newbies! Hopefully, they will have an awesome stay in the platform and they will be here for long. To the featured newbies, your Hive and OCD family welcome you with open arms! Have a blast!

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Thanks You, good morning...

Thank you very much for this good initiative, grateful for this valuable mention. That encourages me to continue giving my best in each publication.

We newcomers are grateful for initiatives like this. The beginning is always difficult, but support makes it easier.

Thanks to Lovesniper Retention curation initiative. 👏👏👏