6 years of splinterlands.

in #splinterlands15 days ago

It might not seem like much but in crypto terms and gamefi that's an eternity. Out of the thousands of games that have been built on a blockchain there can't be more than a handful that have lasted this long never mind so active with such a hardcore community. splinterlands truly is the exception to the rule at the moment.

If they can keep building and growing at some stage they will be the OG of the crypto gaming sector and even when never shinier projects come along with large VC funding to bring in the masses it will be held as the example of where it all started. They have broken so much ground over the years for others to follow that splinterlands will be a case study in years to come on blockchain, gaming, tokenomics and decentralized assets. It's inevitable really.

Ref: Pinterest

From it's earliest days when the team were fundraising and product building they have been ahead of the game. It's easy to copy other ideas and make them your own. It's almost impossible to take an idea and built a whole new technology to make it work. That is something special.

It takes talent, hardwork and a refusal to quit to make it this far down the line.

And we have seen a lot of new technology built for this game to work. There have been delays and setbacks. Millions made and rage quits in equal measures. The joy of being part of a large community with high expectations.

I have been part of the game since before it was splinterlands. Before we had a real game. Just cards and challenges.

  • 41K Battles.
  • Highest rank of 20.
  • 10K champion points.

My biggest regret is not putting more money into the game in the very early days when you could buy beta legendaries for dollars.

I have learned my lessons since and built up a strong deck but the players who moved first have some amazing cards and sit comfortably in champion.

It will take years of grinding to catch up and built back to beta cards. I do have a few gems but not maxed out. Luckily I'm stubborn and have plenty of time to keep growing.

At some stage it would be great to have a full splinterlands set form beta to rebellion or whatever the latest version is in 10 years time.

Every month i add a few more cards and with markets low at the moment it's a great time to keep stacking. I spent a $150 on my last batch but picked up some great cards from untamed.

Web3 gaming is a new concept to a lot of people and true ownership of your in game assets revolutionary but it makes so much sense to me that it has to succeed at some stage. I don't know what game will make the big breakthrough to mass adoption but it will happen.

Existing games don't have much interest in retrofitting nft's into their games as less money would go to the top of the table but for players it needs to happen. We just need a game simple enough for people to join. Fun enough that they want to play. Smart enough that it can go viral.

That's not an easy task to accomplish but it will happen.

New player experience is a key part of that and one where most games fail miserably. Crypto is hard enough to get your head around initially so new players need to be able to be able to join the game and play without ever hearing the terms crypto, nft's, blockchain.

It needs to be a seamless web2 experience that gradually brings in the concept of real values for the in game assets. And an easy on and off ramp for fiat to assets and from assets to fiat.

Luckily hive makes the operation of assets easy with account names, free transfers and the ability to track everything. Moving between fiat and crypto is not so easy yet and a big stumbling block for new players and mass adoption.

What i would like to see moving forward is an easy to use interface. Make it simple for new people jumping into the game as matches, guilds, rankings and land all get revamped to provide a better player experience. I don't think that cards and assets should go 100x as it's never sustainable. Instead i would like to see steady markets that gradually increase over time as they get scarcer.

Build up a full economy around land, assets and a full economy that is fun and rewarding to build an empire in. If the userbase can grow nicely over the next few years then land and older cards will regain their value. Leagues will get a shake up and brawls can become more fun. It's all about building the community and having the right product in place when they arrive.

Try for yourself.

If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.

Link to the game here,


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice collection, I can only dream of a level four kron

Anything is possible.
When i started there were player with maxed out cards too but i caught up over a few years and built a strong collection too.

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It’s been six fantastic years
Even though you didn’t put a lot of money into the game at the beginning, I’m glad you’re still one of those who enjoy the game and have benefitted from it
Kudos to you!

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar