Simple ….


It’s just a simple Good Morning greeting to all you amazing content creator on Hive !! Been away travelling … diving and basically enjoying all the things which we tend to neglect until reality hits.

Life is just too short to be living to work ! So … time to start thinking of taking care of ourselves more and not just work work work where it seems to be the core of an Asian upbringing that we “must work hard for our future” regardless the sacrifice ! But I think the generations today are now “working smarter harder” 😀😀 which still sticks to the fundamentals of Asian culture 😂

Anyway … enough of rambling . Just wanted to wish all of you a Brilliant Morning ahead !!!!



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You look younger! and more like 'oppa'!

awweee... ty ty

Such a nice blue sea. where is this? Sabah? Happy Holiday🌞

Yeap ... Mabul Sipadan

Beautiful and awesome environment. Its great to have a time out to rest from work stress. It's better to work smarter than to work harder!