Built Me a Standing Desk!

in #uklast month

I've wanted a standing desk for a long time, and i finally bought myself one!

I found one for around £130 on Amazon which is just the right depth and width for both my usage and the room it's going in, so happy days.

Why a standing desk...?

Honestly I spend so long sitting and writing and it's all too sedentary, I just wanted to give myself the option of being able to stand for X-Y amount of time every day.

I just think that sitting for too long ain't very good for you!

Turns out it's also quite handy for doing yoga and other workouts, can slide the chair all the way under when it's raised to the max creating a bit of extra room.

This one has three set-levels, and then you can micro adjust by the millimetre, it's VERY NICE!

What I didn't bargain for is having to put together four bits for the top...


It's all OK, in the end I quite like the sections, it helps me keep things in order...

  • back section - monitor.
  • front section - keyboard and keep clear
  • right section - mouse and books
  • left section - light, stationary, COFEE CUPS, other books.

It was a liquid flat back experience, everything fitting together really easily....


And not at all complicated...


And with the legs on...






It actually goes up quite a bit higher, I honestly think you could use it comfortably standing if you were 7 foot tall, so it accommodates nearly every one on the planet!

And just what everyone with a new standing desk needs...


Obviously I also bought myself a new chair to go with it.

Maybe I haven't thought this through enough...?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Very nice, I have one myself and it for sure comes in handy to break up those long days of sitting. I'd honestly recommend some compression socks while standing they have been a life changer for me in terms of being able to stand for hours at the desk instead of sitting.

OK good to know, I shall bear those socks in mind for sure!

That seems like a bargain. My desk is only adjustable if I take the whole thing apart. Could you have a treadmill under there to walk as you work?

Coincidentally this just came up on Mastodon.

Haha I like the thought of a treadmill desk but I think that's another purchase!

That's a very nice looking top and £130 sounds very reasonable.
I've started getting a crick in my neck, so a standing desk might be the answer.
The controls look very easy on that, too. Is it convenient to use you can stand and sit as you please?

It's great - 3 auto height settings but also just up and down so you can set whatever height you like!

Lol. I get the use of a standing desk... but isn't that the wrong chair?

Well it's only for the sitting bit! Very comfy as it goes!

Well that's great then! 😁

Good that it has a hole for cables :)

Oh yes, a nice feature!

This is a nice investment in your productivity and health. Sitting too much is not good for your health, so this standing table is a wonderful plus. I am considering getting myself one too.

I was thinking about buying one like that too! Sitting too much time and gaining weight, so maybe if I would stand, it could help... 😃 Not just with weight, but maybe with back pain too...

Can you share the Amazon link to the one that you bought?

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It looks really nice!
I like the color, I'm not sure if I would use it.

You need to be converted!