Hello from the raccoons

in #animals7 months ago

Well, let's try this again as I just deleted all I wrote.
I introduced you to a couple of these guys earlier and I wanted to introduce a few more, but first I will introduce the woman behind all of this. She calls herself Swamp Mama.
Meet Linda

Next up is one that has been hurt by what's going on at:


Now the story behind this little furbaby is that he lost his toes trying to escape a trap set by hunters. See it's hunting season in their area and they're getting caught in traps.

I also mentioned something about a petition so here is the link:


If you be so kind as to go sign it and help Swamp Mama keep her babies safe.

Now to continue with the introductions:

How can you look into their cute faces and say no?


I see a whole lot of trouble in those pictures!

It's super awesome to be able to see such amazing critters like that. Thank you very much for sharing this post!


There will hopefully be more to come as I said in my earlier post these are screenshots from a Creator I follow on TikTok.

That would be super cool that see Hive trash pandas in action! Cool!

Cute outfit 'Linda', matches the glasses and everything 😍

They are such cute animals and they are full off fun and trouble 😁 lol
Such a sweet thing to take care of them. You are a fury hero Linda 💕

Thanks for the response, but I'm not Linda I'm one of her followers on a social platform. I'm just sharing her story. If you would please go back into my feed you will see other postings I have done on this.

Ohhh... I am so sorry for being all wrong there 🙈 Ugh.. Apolagize.
I Will go read more and Thank you for sharing it, was a good post.

No apologies needed... I thought you may have been confused so I thought to clarify. All good!