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RE: 📣 Our key takeways from yesterday's livestream with Justin Sun & Ned Scott about ...

in #appics4 years ago

If @Nerd had done his job properly, I doubt Steem would have slipped from #30 to #78... Good riddance... Though I'm not very comfortable with Sunny despite his cash and marketing experience... Have we traded one headache for a migraine? Not sure :( Hoping for the best!!!


We shall see. Justin seemed unsure what he bought. Maybe 'Nerd' is a better salesman than manager.

It's up to Inc. to clue him in, and I think they will make a strong effort... It'd be better for all if he'd leave things alone... I'm for interoperability, but not killing off one chain to enrich an inferior one :)

This seems to dispel some of the FUD. People will pick up immediately if they start breaking things.

Watching it now! I know they were really scrambling to beat Voice's launch day and they got disorganized... Hopefully the messiness of this transition will fade away.