Weekly curation report 2023 12 10

in #archon6 months ago



Hi all!

A new week so time for last week's report…


(The delegation shares are a snapshot of the values at the end of the week. I rounded up the individual shares to avoid rounding errors and minor variations in delegation.)
I also think this table speaks for itself, but if there are any questions I would be happy to clarify…

If you enjoy my upvotes, don’t forget to pay my delegators a little visit to show your appreciation…
Right now, they are :

See you next week and…


PS: My friend @sandymeyer created this nice “delegate-bar” in case you want to support this account. All HP that this account earns through curating is shared among the delegators.

50 HP|100 HP|250 HP|500 HP|750 HP|1000 HP|2000 HP|5000 HP|10000 HP



I just delegated 50 HP

This is really interesting

Is to bempart of this

Here we go pixresteemer to the moon

I love this system