Mini Collages

in #art28 days ago (edited)
Yay ! I made it through the work part of Monday. I think I was abducted by aliens for an hour after though, because it has been an hour and a half since I clocked out and I've only been playing on my pc for 30 minutes. LOL... Time Warp!
Now the Time Warp song is playing in my head. Can you hear it??? I made it play in your head, didn't I?
You're welcome ! (I had to pull it up on youtube so it would play while I am creating this post. 🤣
Ok ! Back to the MINIs !
Some time back @gillianpearce did a post or two where she made a Cluster Book for a friend of hers that also created Mixed Media / Collage art. She used many things more than paper, making several related clusters that her friend could use in her art if she wanted. I thought it was really neat and earmarked it for later. Recently though in my Artist Study of Nancy.Bell.Scott, I found that she had a lot of what she called 3 scrap collages, which I also found interesting and it hinted somewhat vaguely of the "cluster" idea.
For hers though, she posted instructions she had printed for some of her artist friends on how she did her 3-scrap collages. She said without looking, you grab three discarded scraps from your art table, floor or trash bin and then no matter what you ended up with, you had to use them to make a collage. Sure you could tear them and maybe add an ink or other mark or two after you glued them together, but the point was to make a tiny collage out of whatever you got, no cheating to reject or choose another. She said she used to do it when she got brain blocked for ideas.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I couldn't do that exactly, because all my scraps are somewhat organized and contained. I guess I haven't been in it long enough. 😄 Anyway, I decided one evening that I would pull out my containers of medium and small painted paper bits and just create a few Mini Collages, picking and choosing whatever I wanted. I am not sure what I will do with them going forward, but I simply wanted to make some.
I did choose one of the stiffer papers to be the back / base paper choice and then I chose other bits to create a fun little collage..... abstracts of course. This was the first one. I thought it was cool and it was fun to create.

mini 1.jpg

Here is the 2nd one. None of them were supposed to be anything specific, but this one had sort of a carousel vibe I thought, after it was done.

mini 2.jpg

..... and another. The back paper on this one was bigger to begin with, but I got all I wanted on it and then cut the top to a rounded shape.

mini 3.jpg

I tried to make them somewhat different color schemes.

mini 4.jpg

I'm not sure, but I think this last one is my fav. I used one of the papers I played with my new inks on over a month ago as the backing paper and the other colors and shapes were random, but in the end, it reminded me of the sky at a kite festival, when people have a bajillion kites floating all around.

mini 5.jpg

Here is what my desk looked like when I was done. Isn't it wonderful??

papery desk.jpg

Bits of brightly painted papers make fun photos I think.

colorful bits and pieces.jpg

All together now ! (That reminded me of the the Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport song).... so I had to go on youtube and play it while I finish this post. You're playing THAT song in your head now too... right ?
You're Welcome !

5 minis together.jpg

Some time back, when I originally thought about making miniature collages, I was thinking more like making a mixed media piece and using a Mini as a medallion of a sort, kind of like a feature on it. I will still probably attempt that idea at some point.
A couple of days later I was watching a video while playing at my art table and some artist showed how she took some of her small collages and put them on front of blank greeting card stock and used them with her gifts for holidays and the such. I don't know if I will do anything like that later, but I did happen to have a couple of blank greeting cards, so I just laid each piece on the front of one and took a photo for the fun of it and to keep as an idea for later. I didn't glue any of them on though, for now.

with envelope one.jpg

In general, it could be a good idea. I could probably make some mini collages that looked like birthday cakes or something.... time will tell.

with envelope 2.jpg

Fun Stuff.... right ?
Hope you are all doing well.
Luv ya !
🎵 🎶 *tan me hide when I'm dead Fred, tan me hide when I'm dead" 🎶 🎵

Hi, you're fun to read. Read like consume, I'm not a palm reader. Unless they're cheat notes.

Thank you !

Hmmmmm... I didn't know people might be consuming my words. 😄

It might be fun to be a palm reader that can't read palms and just make up whatever you want to tell somebody about themselves or their future.

Want a story? I don't wanna impose. This isn't my real estate.

Sure !


Sigh, the Time Warp. Damn you!

hee hee.....If it had to be in MY head, it had to be in EVERYONE's head. It was only fair.

Of course, here I am, slowly getting ready to sign onto my work station and you just gave it back to me.

It's only fair ! 😂

First you jump to the left.....

And take a step to the... Right I'M OUTTA HERE! :OD


Thanks bunches !

You called? 😂 Hello there. 😍

I may or may not be back. I've enjoyed catching up on your latest posts. I might try the 3 piece collage thing since, being in the middle of an altered book gift project, my desk is covered with paper scraps.

I agree with you on your favourite. I like the one with the black ink and I love your first greeting card. I'd definitely give that to someone if it was mine.

There you are ! @gillianpearce I've been missing you.

LOL @ may or may not be back ! Every day that's the choice, right?

Like nearly everything else I've tried, this was pretty fun to me. I'm sure I will do more of it at some point and try different ways.

I think I found Nancy accidentally on Pinterest, a program I rarely use, but of all things, I had it open looking at Mixed Media stuff and there she was ! She has SO many 3 scrap pieces on her blogspot. It's kind of fascinating to me. Here is a copy of what she posted for her friends a number of years ago, about the 3 scrap collages. You'll probably have to click on it and expand it to read it.

aug 2013.jpg