Price reduced for animal sterilization in Krabi

in #aseanlast year

We don't ask for additional discounts because the animal hospital that we have worked with for years has always been so kind to us but for reasons that we did not question the price that we have to pay for a sterilization of a female dog has gone down to a mere $25 per dog. This is a small price to pay to insure the increased quality of life for the stray animal population of Krabi, and the rest of the world..


We will occasionally get criticized for focusing so heavily on sterilization but there is something the people need to understand about the animal population in countries like Thailand: The government doesn't help at all. There is no animal control here in this country and any problems that happen with animals have to be extremely severe in order for authorities to get involved at all. I've only ever heard about this happening if dogs in a particular area get extremely territorial and aggressive and it ends up resulting in the regular attacking of people.

Dogs in the wild are very similar to dogs that grow up semi-feral in urban or even rural areas. The replicate as often as possible because "nature calls." Then these pups rely on a mother for food because the dad's don't exactly have a reputation for sticking around to help raise them. What ends up happening more often than not is that half or more of the pups will die due to starvation or disease and the aggression begins because the population of the pack has grown too large and there is not enough food for them to all eat.


Krabi Animal Welfare does all that we can along with other organizations to feed and treat as many of these dogs as possible but in the end, our work is a Sisyphean task unless we at least TRY to curb the number of new pups that get introduced to an area. If we are successful in ONLY increasing the survival rate of new puppies the population simply grows even faster until they are no longer healthy. This is the way it works everywhere in the world with ALL species, not just dogs. Nature has a way of keeping the population at just the right levels and if you simply introduce more food, the pack is going to add more mouths to feed until that amount of food is no longer enough. Now you have the same problem you started with but with many more animals involved.

This is why sterilization is so important to any animal-welfare organization on the planet and also why we are so happy to hear that our limited funds will be going even further with the reduced costs. The doctors work without pay for themselves, the only cost is what it costs them in terms of medicine and supplies, the biggest expense is the anesthesia injection - the rest, so they say, is one of the simplest operations that you can possibly perform. I suppose we are lucky that this is the case.


We have been fortunate in the past few years as we never had a point where we had to ignore certain problems due to lack of funds. A big thanks to our donors for helping us with that. We don't ever want to find ourselves in a position where we have to ignore the suffering of innocent animals because we run out of money and therefore, this is just another bonus to the new reduced price of the sterilization operation. This is one part of our animal-welfare plan that we never want to have to cut back on. Because if the sterilization becomes reduced, the other problems are going to respond in turn.

It's without question the most important part of the process.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



Ok. Other than KBV, now I know the vets actually play an important part in helping these stray animals. Kudos to the team on the price reduction. Imagine if it's any ordinary vets in Kuala Lumpur, they would have increase price by seeing more numbers coming in. Another shit hole the urban thinking being, rather BUY pets then adopting. Should everyone stopped pet trading, I think it greatly reduced the burden of animal welfare.

Yeah, i'm not a fan of buying dogs and I don't think the people that buy the dogs would be very interested if they were to see images of the puppy mills and how the mothers are treated there.

Oh I like the lil guy on the lower left 😀

yeah, he looks like he is more interested in looking around than eating. :)

That is seriously good news all-round as $25 is affordable and that means more dogs can get sterilised now. I am not sure what the price is here but we paid around $100 for our puppy recently and that was at a private vet practice and not a SPCA funded one.

We would really struggle here if the vets had western prices. When you see how little it costs it kind of starts to make you wonder if the clinics in the west are taking the piss a bit.