A Day in My Life Blog: Successful Youth Joint Fellowship this Month with Bible Quiz Bee Contest πŸ˜‡πŸ€—πŸ˜Š

in #aseanhive β€’ 3 months ago

Have a Blessed Day to all ASEAN Hivers and all my Fellow Hivers all over the World! πŸ˜‡

Another great week passed and I thank God for also giving me lots of activities and events, and for today what I am going to share is my "A Day in my Life" Blog Post which showcases the happenings during our Youth Joint Fellowship held this month.

Before anything else, greetings first to all the admins and all my supporters who always support me throughout my blogs and all the activities I've shared. Above all else, praises and thanksgiving to God for everyone He has done unto my life.

We had a special event this week in which I was the one organizing it for I was the leader for the young people here in our Circuit in our Church.

This event is a monthly event where all young people in different Churches here in our Circuit gather together in fellowship with each other and have a bond where they can know and talk to each other. This is one best ways we can for our young people to meet and know each other once in a while.

It happened every third Sunday of the month, in the afternoon after our Sunday Church Service. This time it was held at one of the churches near the Highway, at Calangahan, Lugait Misamis Oriental. We came here together with our Church young people around 1:00 in the afternoon and as we arrived, we were the first comer aside from the host Church.

After a while, we started our Fellowship around 2:00 in the afternoon by welcoming each other and by opening prayer. One moment all of the young people are excited about is during handshaking and asking the names and churches to each other and we can see to their faces that they were very happy dancing and meeting and asking names to each other.

Knowing that I was the leader and the emcee of this event, I was then tasked to welcome everyone, from all the young people who came and fellowship with us to all the Pastors who always supported our event for the young people.

We are now to one of the main parts of this Fellowship, our singing of praises and worship to our living God. Our host church was to lead us in giving praises and worship to God, and the Worship Leader was one of our Section Leaders and the Assistant Youth representative. We thank and praise God for this moment we offer everything to God alone for everything we have come from Him.

After we give praise and worship to God, the next part will be the main part as in all events we have, we never forget to listen to the Word of God through His servant. The assigned Pastor to share in our event today is a new Pastor, since last December, she has officially become a Pastor for God's glory. Here she shared with us, some consequences of sin and we praise God for we have learned a lot from her through the Words of God.

Our first part for today's fellowship is finally concluded and now we're here for the second part which is the Team Building activity, and our game for today is Bible Quiz Bee.

We divide the young people not by Church but we mix or shuffle them, so they have the time to know each other better.

We have a total of five groups and our Quiz Bee will be having an Easy, Moderate, and Hard round. Now, we have started our game, and thank God that they participated very well and some of the answers correctly the game concluded around 4:30 in the afternoon and that is the time we declared the winners and gave them some prizes to enjoy.

Our Fellowship then ended around 5:00 in the afternoon very happy and successful this happened because of the teamwork with the leaders in our Circuit and above all because of the guidance of God, so we praise and thank Him forever. Then after a while, we go to our house safe and sound.

This would be all for today's post and until next time again and I just want to thank everyone in advance will dropping by on my post.

To God be all the Glory! πŸ˜‡πŸ™Œβ˜οΈ

Your Friend


Thanks to @kennyroy for
the animated GIF.

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Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)