The Journey To Work And Beyond

in #beautifulsundaylast month

I started off the day on the right side of the bed, ate some leftover Chicago style pizza, downed a coffee I brewed the night before.
Luckily I didn't have to be to work early and I got to sleep in, so I didn't have to bike to work early and the transit was already running.
So after a lovely meal I was ready to hit the road.

As I walked through the streets downtown, there streets were very empty, my heart raced with anticipation. The early morning sun cast long shadows on the pavement, creating a sense of foreboding. I quickened my pace, eager to reach the bus station before the bus arrived.
I walked by Calm and Scents, but it was closed, they had some neat artwork outside the store.

I finally reached the variety store on the corner, my breath coming in shorts gasps. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, the cool air washing over me. The store was dimly lit, shelves lined with a variety of goods, I made my way to the back, where the drinks were.
I picked out of the fridge a starbucks doubleshot drink, I decided I needed to treat myself.
Finally the store clerk came to the counter. The clerk handed me my change, so I would have enough for the bus.
I made it to the bus station and got to get my drink on, some lady sat beside me and ask me if I had meth and I responded with nope, the lady seemed really strange, luckily the bus pulled up, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I climbed aboard, finding a seat near the back and away from that lady, because she got on the same bus.

As the bus pulled away from the curb, I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. The thrill of the morning's events still lingered my mind.
Work went pretty good, I didn't have to make any of those Toronto Maple Leafs donuts, because they lost last night and they are out of the playoffs.
The work shift went really fast and I took the bus home, didn't make it home in time to watch the nba playoff game, but I caught the tail end of the Blue Jays game, they lost of course.

Now I think it is time to brew me some coffee

#beautifulsunday is led by
@ace108 and
#sublimesunday is led by @c0ff33a


I don't think I'd drink overnight coffee. I find coffee has a sour taste after a few hours. I'd rather just have water.

Greetings @shaunf ,

Interesting day...Sorry about the Blue Jays loss.

Wishing you well.
