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in #blockchain11 months ago (edited)

Different paths perhaps, but props for being among those rarities who have had the same online identity since the 90's.

One of the few pieces of authentic advice I got came from a college creative writing class: "Writing is an invitation to discover that less than 1% of the population actually gives a genuine frack about your opinion and anything you have to say."

Which, at the time, was the implication that you might pour your heart and soul into what seems like your Opus Magnum book and then go on to sell all of 300 copies, while some fuckwit who sucked the right dicks ends up with a NYT bestseller and a Lear jet.

Yeah, it would be cool if one of these gigs actually really became something. I recently looked at blurt again, too... the new "BeBlurt" front end could become similar to PeakD IF they keep going and do it right.

I'm continuing to do this because it is more entertaining than just writing to myself in a paper journal or Word doc... at least that's true for me.


"Writing is an invitation to discover that less than 1% of the population actually gives a genuine frack about your opinion and anything you have to say."

I like that. Someone should make it into a wall plaque, I'd buy one to hang up, my kids would respond with "oh, I see you finally got the message", lol.

Yep - like me you've been around in better times - it's all a bit of a let down these days isn't it? - I will say this for Hive - no other platform has shown me such relentless hate - not even Facebook - I must have done something right!

zuck & musk.jpg

Hah! What a beautiful bromance!

Ironic, isn't it? Those who hold strong "anti-establishment" opinions invariably hold equally strong opinions about those who don't subscribe to THEIR flavor of anti-establishment.

Old story, no?