2024 1th post by loona

in #blog5 months ago


My first post of this year. And I'm a little sick and it's probably the flu. The weather outside is also cold and wet. My New Year's Eve was pretty intense too. On the 30th my buddy came late in the evening and another buddy of mine was already with me so we actually started partying then. I had some LSD lying around and without really thinking much about it we took a seal. After an hour of fun we had added half a stamp. Well the colors were flying around. and muscle pain in the jaws from laughing. In the morning I lay in bed for maybe 2 hours during my trip, when angels with eyes and wings took me under their wings. Yes, tripping is so crazy you can't really explain it. it's as if you can see the vibrations of the atoms. Rolling a joint is also super difficult, it just moves and lives. But I usually succeed.

New Year's Day was fun but we were exhausted. and I still had a mountain of fireworks. That was quite fun, but for the first time in my life I didn't think it was necessary. All those fireworks And all the explosions I don't like for the animals. Maybe I'm at an age where I'm ready. But maybe I'll be just as crazy again next year, we'll see.

My intentions for this year are to really try to make something of it. 2024 is going to be our year. my thoughts are pure. And try to hold on to this. Count my blessings and try to be there for people around me. make healthy choices. a bit of healthy rhythm. I work hard on something, but I have a lot of trouble going to bed on time. But it's all a matter of will power and just doing it. You know what is good and what is not.

I also want to write more actively here on the chain. Blogs about cannabis but also about just life and that that is all a struggle in itself. And by sharing my experiences. Maybe we can learn from each other. But maybe not and you can just laugh about it. Everything is OK
Friends, have a good year, I am also happy that the holidays are over and the days are back to normal. you don't get completely stuffed with feasting.

thanks for reading and see you next post greetings from loonatic



Namaste 🙏

Bless you and our souls mates @lesmann @sandymeyer

Happy that you having good trips ;)

Myself still focused on my diet i wish go do a fasting again at this time of the year.
Last year I sure did 21 days no food around new years.
I did enjoyed it a lot, my best experience of the body and mind so far ;)

Still trying to figure out a way to come back posting regularly but maybe more organized in a way, so i dont have to spend much time online…

Успех! 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫

I’m glad that you have made your first post for this year. As you said, 2024 will be our year and I’m sure about that. All we have to do is put in more work in anything we want to do so we can get a better result