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RE: Why should I tell a dead man anything.

in #blog2 months ago

Shogun season 2 is going to be awesome.

It is good to know that Shogun season one all ten episodes have aired which I was hoping for because now I can binge watch it all together; please give me your feedback is shogun a good tv show? Help!!


Very good. And I'm now saving for a budget cutting katana.

W8! so you loved shogun season 1 so much that it kinda inspired you to buy a Japanese sword "Katana" WOAH awesome! how much does a katana cost?

RVA katana dot com?

Mizu blue eyed samurai one is $275.

And I had a super expensive $1,000 katana before. Admittedly it didn't get much use due to it's beautiful fittings. Just form work.

They are not bad prices for a sword.

Although I want the s7 shock steel longsword. More than a katana I need a good longsword.

Yes I've done work with a katana for a longer amount of time. However the edge geometry of the European longsword?

Yes know my swords.

I am gonna try to gulp down the rich details you explained and do further research but I do not have 1k dollars and also I donot have 275 dollars so may be I cant buy any katana for my self but still thanks for sharing all the information.

They got deals and sales where $100 can get you a good sword.

We got some custom made automatic firing pistols for 100 dollars in our city but the only issue is the license is for single shot one and not for automatic firing this means I might not even get that also I donot even have 100 dollars to spend because I am banned from medium since march and my new account from 10+ days has made me only 0.00000 cents so basically am broke. I also got rejected for a job recently which I was hoping to get.

Trade! Lol. I'm killing it. I've got top selling of Leo one month and 2nd buying it.

Volume of good trades. Makes up for a few bad calls.

But I turn one dollar into 2. And keep going. Got investments that pay me in the diesel pools. The interest rates are published live. Just don't blow out the pools. But yeah I am cleaning up and then leveraging those payments into even more growth.

Besides my accounts and curation.

There's so many ways to earn and you are over looking the biggest one?