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RE: The Trials and Tribulations of U.K. Probate and Inheritance Tax

in #cars11 months ago

I don't envy you, not one little bit, and I'm sorry it's rolling out like this. I've written posts about wills and preparing for death in the past and whilst a few had openly admitted they have stuck their head in the sand (a bad idea) most see the importance...but then, if it's not actually done, problems occur and it's left to those remaining, often also still in the process of grieving to sort out.

This doesn't help you at all, (this comment), of course, but it's a sad fact.

I hope things improve, and by the sound of your attitude you'll find a way forward even if that path is a little bumpy.

Silverstone F1 is on this weekend though, so hopefully one of the Brits can pull one out of the bag and stand on the top step huh? I'll be watching, as always, and I hope y'all find some time also...despite the wedding that is inconveniently scheduled on a F1GP weekend. Lol.


Thank you, @galenkp - it really is a sucky time...Ben and I make a good team though (and Cabie Bat the Cat makes three) so we will get through this.

Annabelle 😞

I understand, and empathize.