Free Comic Book Day is Here!!! 5/4/24

in #comics28 days ago (edited)


That’s right folks! You read correctly…for the big day is here…not only is is May the 4th or “Star Wars” day for all. You wannabe Jedi, but today is also Free Comic Book Day at comic shops all across the land. That’s right, today is another one of those special days that you can pop into your local comic store to walk away with some free swag! This years selection contains 44 titles that include Ninja Turtles, Spidey, Popeye, One Piece, Conan, and about 40 others.

As a comic shop owner myself, I’ll give the advice that I always do here each year which is to PLEASE make a purchase at your local shop to support them. Each individual shop has to purchase the quantities of comic books to give away to customers…it’s not free for us, so please show your local shop some love and buy that action figure, statue, or yup…comic books that you’ve been eyeing up for a bit!

The cool part is every shop handles it differently, so be forewarned that your shop might have some rules or stipulations that come along with the freebies. We try to limit the selection to about 6 books per person to make it as fair as possible for as many different people as possible. (Our regulars have no limit) We also hold a gigantic sale that gets heavily taken advantage of by our customers. Some shops hold signings, or have cosplayers mingling with the guests. This year we are taking it a bit easy and are just focusing on the free books with a monster sale.with that being said, the link below will direct ya to take a peek at all the Free books today, followed by my Top 10 picks (in no particular order) that are sure to fly.

The new Transformers and GI Joe books from Image have been selling like hotcakes at the shop. I expect this badboy to fly as well.


With the success of how popular the TV series was, I expect the One Piece book to get gobbled up in a hurry as well.


These next two involve Spidey. One is all ages while one is geared towards kids. Need I say more?!?



Same goes here for Star Wars with 2 books again this year.



Ninja Turtles usually have a release every year for this event and this year is no different. This will be popular as everyone knows and loves the Turtles.


I dream of the day when @splinterlands has a killer comic series and a release for this day. Maybe bundled with a promo card?!? Until then, we have Pokemon to contend with. 😝


Finally, Marvel’s new “gory” series Blood Hunt kicks off this week in shops. You get a sneak peek at what’s what in the Blood Hunt FCBD release.


Lastly for my picks, I’m thinking of all the little girls out there looking for something that they can get behind. I’m looking at you Monster High. While I don’t think this property is as popular as it was say, a decade ago…it’s still going to excite the base.


There’s one more thing to mention to this post…be on the lookout for a super cool and “limited” Harley Quinn Heroclix piece. Fans of the game and Quinn in general will want to snag this little gem.



If you hit up any shops, show me your haul!!! Be kind, support your local shop, and have a great Free Comic Book Day. Oh, and…




I'm not sure if that happens here, but I wasn't near a comic shop today. We did mark Star Wars Day at parkrun though. I did it in less than 12 parsecs!

It’s worldwide but sone stores choose not to participate. My old shop I worked at as a teen for example does the BARE MINIMUM as the owner hates the day. Lol

I feel it’s a great day to run a sale with all the foot traffic. Might as well take advantage!

Congrats Han! Lol