Dandy !

in #community2 months ago (edited)
I didn't think I had anything new to post today. I accepted that. I had started a new art practice project last night, but have not finished it and randomly there was nothing in my head to share.
The sun had set behind the back trees, but it was still light and as I crossed my living room, I happened to glance out my front windows and something caught my eye. I looked closer and realized my front lawn was full of dandelions ! I do so love dandelions.


I didn't even put my shoes on. I grabbed my phone and walked right out into the yard in my grippy socks! I knew they would get damp and I didn't care. So what ? I'd just have to change them when I came back in.


You'd probably think me mad if you know how very much this delighted me.


That is if you had not already thought me mad before. 😄


Coming back towards the house I got the fun pink azaleas in the background. They are not quite all in bloom yet, but they are full of buds and soon will be.


Such a happy pink!


Look quick! They won't be around for too long.


But while they are here, they are the star of the show in many yards.


Since my socks were already damp, why not get a photo or two of the dogwood


There was no reason why not, just a few snaps before the light is gone.


Look up ! I love the way the limbs look against the overcast sky.


I was snapping photos around and around, hoping at least one of the dandelions would be an amazing macro shot. It's not that my camera is great at that or anything, but once in a while it grabs an amazingly clear shot. I never know when that will be, but alas it wasn't this evening. I was happy to see all the dandelions that beckoned me out into the yard.... even in my socks!
I hope you all had a good day. Mine was a little rough, but I'm recovering nicely.
Love you !




I find the more I get in the habit of posting, the more I look forward to it. I think for me there is a value in exercising that creative muscle. There usually is a post to be had out there, all one need do is look for it 😀

I WANTED to do one, I just didn't have an idea and I didn't think I was going to get one. LOL... then VWA-LA! ...there it was.

I agree about the more you get in a habit, you start wanting to more, or at least I have. I don't do a lot I consider exciting though, so sometimes the daily stuff just doesn't seem like it is worth posting about.

And yet.... I still come and post it ! LOL

Sorry to hear to had a day that was a "little rough" but happy to see your beautiful flowers helped to make up for it.

I particularly enjoyed the shot of the azaleas which had the know in the wood in it.

Hope you're day today is a little more smooth. 😍

It's almost three in the morning here and I am heading to bed

I took the day off because I have a routine doctor's appointment mid-afternoon and any reason is a good enough reason to take the whole day.

Hopefully that will make this day, better than the last.

Sleep well Jacey. 😍

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