OMG, like HELLO! I'm Back ๐ŸŒธ

in #cross-post โ€ข 3 years ago


Guys, I'm back! I took a lonnnggg break from posting, but have been thinking about popping in forever. ๐Ÿ’œ

I think life has been hectic for all of us, these past few years, but I know that Steemit was always an escape for me, and so, I hope Hive will be too.

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I'm really keen to know your tips for making it on Hive in 2021.

So many questions!
๐ŸŒธ Which tags to use?
๐ŸŒธ Are communities still a thing?
๐ŸŒธ Are there any fun challenges or weekly topics? I always loved those!
๐ŸŒธ Any tips for scheduling posts, or using the Template function?
๐ŸŒธ Wtf is Punks on Hive lol?

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I'd love to know, and I'd be so keen to share some fun recipes and random musings again, I really did miss my Steem fam, going to have start saying my Hive fam!

Can't wait to hear your news - tell me what you've been up to, and how your time on Hive has been going?


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Welcome back.

Which tags to use?

Depends on the type of the content you post. For example #spt for Splinterlands related content.

Are communities still a thing?

Yes, and they are even better than before.

Are there any fun challenges or weekly topics? I always loved those!

There is #MarketFriday by @dswigle. Nowadays this is my favorite. And there is also the weekend engagement by @galenkp, for which I have not paid many attention lately. And there are many others.

Any tips for scheduling posts, or using the Template function?

I am using Drafts (in Ecency), but I have not tried scheduling my posts so far, but it could come in handy. For example timing your posts for certain challenges and contests.

Wtf is Punks on Hive lol?

Something crazy. But really. Some people pay thousands of Hive for a single Punk.

Thanks for the shoutout!

thank you, this is super helpful! I always used to partake in Market Friday, so I will definitely do that again

I definitely will be using the Drafts function to batch content, i am a busy girl and won't be able to dedicate time to writing posts every single day

I still don't know what a punk is LOL, guess I will soon find out

Hello, my friend! I am so happy to see you are back! I think I posted on random posts trying to get your attention! LOL

Last I heard the store and the people. So tell me about you and how you have been?

It is pretty much the same here, communities are going well, any tag you may want and recipes! Yes! I am so waiting on that from you. And your antiquing.

Yes! We missed you! โค๏ธ

ahh yay! I am so glad you are still active! Which random posts!!?

We are good thanks, life has been a bit cray cray here in SA due to our lock downs, it's a never ending pit of money making for our government, they definitely do not care about our health ๐Ÿ˜‚

I am definitely going to get super active again, I really missed the community and the creative outlet

Watch this space!

Please send me your news too

It's great to have you back again, friend!!!! Hive is a beautiful community, where there are many talented people like you. Here your posts will be well rewarded, because you have talent to spare. Every topic, has its community and there are many daily challenges, you just have to check trends. Welcome again and all the success to you! Hugs

I am glad to be back! And I am so glad to see how well you are doing Nancy! Very proud of you for sticking it out all this time

Welkom terug.

ooh lala, hoe oulik is jy!

thanks so much Wes, glad to see you and Faitherzzz are still around too.

Ek probeer. Dit is lekker om weer iemand te hรช om Afrikaans mee te praat.

haha, dit was baie goed! Maar, ons sรช dit is lekker om weer met iemand Afrikaans te kan praat

Hahahah what a legend, well done good sir!! It's been an age, you doing good?

I am good. What have you guys been up to?

Just working day job mostly, plus some side hustling, inflation and cost of living is getting tarded in this place.

Welcome back
I donโ€™t think to much has changed
Yes communities are still running strong but I am not that active in the off hive ie discord side of communities myself, but I am still into photography so post a lot in photo related communities

As for tags there are so many for a variety of interests for musing and recipes I am sure others can Help suggesting some

ah hey ol friend! so good to see you :)

Thank you for your comment, it is so helpful, I will be sure to check out the tags


Welcome my beauty. I am glad you are with us. I am sure you will do it well.

Mamazita! So glad you are also stilll here.

how are you? tell me your news?

I wanted to know about you and now I was surprised you are in hive. Many people migrated and it has been good. How is your darling? Has Covid affected you? Now I am older and I am fighting against a cancer, but I will be okay. Are you still living in Capetown? See you around.

Hello @princessmewmew
Welcome back to hive. Taking a break like that is important most of the time because our offline life also needs attention.
I'm just getting to know you for the first time.
I've resumed hive for a while now and I must say that yes, the communities are still running strong.
There are several interesting topics I've seen from @ladiesofhive community in @freewritehouse

There is an ongoing challenge which I feel you could join. The dreem destination challenge.
Search for dreemsteem on hive and you will see the challenge.

I will drop you a follow now.
See you around๐Ÿ™‚

hi! thank you so much for your comment, I will definitely check out those topics :) and definitely look at dreemsteem

Welcome back? I don't remember you from Steemit, but that means little.

Which tags to use?

Whichever you want, provided they're applicable. You can have 8 on the frontend, or 10 on Tags don't seem to matter quite as much nowadays, though, because...

Are communities still a thing?

Definitely! They are a thing, and many are incredibly active. In fact,

Are there any fun challenges or weekly topics? I always loved those!

Writing and photography communities often have challenges!

Any tips for scheduling posts, or using the Template function?

If I want to join a particular challenge on a specific day, I schedule a post for it. If my muse strikes, I often save drafts in PeakD or schedule posts ahead of time to fill days where I expect to have little writing opportunity.

Wtf is Punks on Hive lol?

A NFT-y (get it? nifty?) idea I don't really understand either.

thank you so much for your considerate response! I'd love to hear more about the challenges, maybe you could drop me a few links in discord?

And yes, I will definitely be making use of the Drafts and Templates, I think it makes such sense, as you say, we are not inspired every day :)

If you like writing, you might check out The Ink Well, Freewriters, and The Weekend. There are also daily photography challenges in some groups, but I don't participate in them.

Hey @princessmewmew! Welcome back!

I also did a re-introduction into the Hive just over a week ago! It is exciting stuff!

Many tags, many communities, the ability to earn multiple tokens on a single post. Just amazing!

sounds epic! also glad to see Saffas! do we have a community?

I have no idea!

But I see that @teamsouthafrica gave me a vote on my first 2021 post so... there is an account. And I have seen plenty of the old team from back in the day on here!

I do remember you... aren't you Capetonian as well?

ok, good to know! Yes, we live in Southern Subs... and you?

I am in Table View.

We are busy moving into a new place. Tomorrow is going to be a long day so I should get some rest.

Once we are settled in, you can come to visit us. Claire (my partner, girlfriend) is very keen on getting into Hive. She spends so much time on Facebook and used to blog on Wordpress... sooooo.... you know... she should be on here instead!

Hey there you are! :D

yasss! it is I

Welcome back, it's a pleasure to meet you โค๏ธ I have a weekly contest running in Feathered Friends

Also there's the pob-wotw prompt, and freewriters and the Inkwell. @dreemport and @mineopoly run some fun challenges, and there's the Wednesday Walk initiative. Plenty is going on ๐Ÿ™Œ

@tipu curate

thank you!! Please explain what this is? I'd love to bless others like this

Hey there, beautiful soul!! Welcome back! I'm soo happy to hear from you again!
I'm sure we all missed you and your blogs!

I'm more into homeschooling and education blogging at the moment but now and then I love to share a recipe. The tags I use are the same old ones: food, recipe, cooking, healthycooking, vegan, foodie.

Hugs hugs hugs

Welcome back, Princess! ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ’Ž

Take a look around after you read everyone's feedback and feel free to ask any questions you have! @princessmewmew