Cak Rudi's Pecel Lele

in #culinary4 months ago (edited)

The night started to feel lonely when my stomach started to feel hungry. Today I didn't cook food for dinner because my whole family was visiting the family house and I was alone at home. When my stomach started to get hungry and there was nothing to eat, I looked for food which was located about 500 meters from where I lived. The place to eat that I visited was the Pecel Lele Cak Rudi food stall. At this food stall I filled my stomach which was starting to get hungry.

Pecel lele is a traditional Indonesian dish originating from the Lamongan area of ​​East Java. The menu that can be ordered at this restaurant is white rice, side dishes in the form of fried catfish, fried chicken, chili sauce and fresh vegetables. I ordered a plate of white rice along with fried chicken, chili sauce and fresh vegetables. Even though it looks simple, the dinner menu served at Cak Rudi's pecel lele stall tastes delicious. I tasted this chili sauce which was quite delicious and had a distinctive taste, namely spicy, hehehe.

That's my little story about the traditional Indonesian food menu that can be found along the streets in the afternoon and evening. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by my post this time.