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RE: Announcement:

in #curation4 years ago

I think this is a really cool idea. I think one of the biggest challenges and something to be mindful of is just people actually knowing it exists.

In a perfect world there would be a visual indicator on frontends that signify that a post is using this service so that at a glance curators could hone in on the participating posts.

Knowing that doesn't exist and probably won't ever exist I think the next best thing is to come up with a way to market it. Maybe like a regularly promoted post or something? I dunno. I just think people get into their grooves of the way that they do things and people can be slow to adopt new behaviors. I repeatedly commented on artists to post in Communities vs on their own blogs and even though there were clear obvious benefits a lot of them were super slow to do it and some still haven't.


Yeah it's going to be an uphill battle at the start but if we maybe add some additional curation to posts going through our service it could kickstart it a bit. But yeah, who knows maybe @peakd will like the idea and add an indicator for it.

As I mentioned the usage of sending rewards to @null or to the DHF for visibility/promotion has gone down quite a lot because the latter won't change much about how it affects curators.